100 MPG Carb
OK, stumbled across this. Thought I'd hear the real thoughts. Like the part where a person does not want his real name used.
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100 MPG Carb
Most of the energy in a gallon of gasoline is wasted as heat, friction, and overcoming aerodynamic losses. No carburetor in the world will recover any of that.
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100 MPG Carb
OK Ken, now that you have spoken on Washington can we move on...sorry for that. 
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100 MPG Carb
The carb invented and patented by my countryman Charles Pogue in the 1930s ** gets 200 mpg. There are many testimonials as to this, as well as explanations of how it got supressed.
Up to the ** above, there's proof. For what comes after, see
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100 MPG Carb
Seeing as I live near Detroit and also worked in the industry for 10 years, there are many a tale (many based in truth) about the auto industry suppressing things that would help others.
Then there's the guys selling the fuel for the cars...
Back in the '30's I had a great uncle who was a tool and die maker for Cadillac. He invented on his own time a finned disk that was placed between the carb and the intake manifold. There is a product that was marketed a few years ago called a Tornado--it was similar to that. All it did was mix the air and the fuel better by swirling it. It more doubled the mileage from 12 to somewhere around 25 or 28.
Mobil Oil contacted him (or vice versa) and they came to his home, offered him $3,000 and emptied his home's basement workshop of EVERYTHING. He kept one lone sample in his personal tool box.
The family story goes that Mobil in no way wanted something like that biting into their profits and so bought him out.
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100 MPG Carb
But... the Tornado/Vortex devices don't work. There may be some vehicles with truly lousy intake design where they *might* make a measurable difference but I can state for a fact that they don't do diddly on a Toyota Tacoma (no, I didn't buy one, but a bunch of guys on a Toyota board did and the universal result was bupkus).
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100 MPG Carb
KW, I only mentioned the Tornado to decsribe my uncle's invention---and we're talking this happened nearly 80 years ago when technology and manufacturing were still in their infantcy so any improvements could go by leaps and bounds.
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100 MPG Carb
Realize there is much there I don't understand, but how swirling the air before the fuel is injected into the cyl (what I think the tornado does) made no sense to me that it would improve the mileage. I guess with a carb maybe. kt
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100 MPG Carb
EW, point taken, a tornado type device quite possibly could help earlier vehicles with primitive carbs and intake design.
It's funny, in the description of the Pogue carburetor it said that fuel is atomized to eliminate droplets, in effect changing the liquid fuel to a dry state. And we all know what is left behind when gasoline evaporates to a dry state.
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100 MPG Carb
Back in the '30's I had a great uncle who was a tool and die maker for Cadillac. He invented on his own time a finned disk that was placed between the carb and the intake manifold. There is a product that was marketed a few years ago called a Tornado--it was similar to that. All it did was mix the air and the fuel better by swirling it. It more doubled the mileage from 12 to somewhere around 25 or 28.
From a physics point of view the vortex would cause the droplets to get as the centrifugal force pushed them outwards and together, with lots of it likely accumulating as liquid on the inside of the carbs throat.
As was mentioned earlier on, in order to increase the overall efficiency of an 'infernal' combustion engine, you would need to first reduce the parasitic losses such as mechanical friction and heat.
Until those losses are dealt with there's really very little gasoline left to be burnt better to increase the overall mileage.
Best of luck.
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