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Which do you prefer
In the USA, which would you like to see as a result of the upcoming election?
1. Government takeover of large segments of the economy including your own personal healthcare.
2. Less government interference in all aspects of your life with the associated tax savings this would bring.
Which party line are you supporting this year to make it happen?
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I'm a firm believer in the concept that our Constitution created a Federal Government with limited and distinct powers, and that those powers are clearly enumerated (There are only 18 powers!) in Article 1, Section 8.
Any federal program which expands Article 1, Section 8, must be achieved through the Amendment process, as laid out in Article 5.
Why have an amendment process if Congress can simply expand its powers whenever it chooses? What purpose does the amendment process serve, if never used?
It is for this reason, and many others, that I support only those candidates who support the U.S. Constitution and our Founders -- the principles established and laid out when the U.S. Constitution was originally ratified by the 13 States.
Ron Paul is no longer on the ticket, so I'll be voting for the man Ron Paul has endorsed for President.......Chuck Baldwin.
I know full well that I'm greatly outnumbered, but my role as a voter is simply to do what's best for my nation. It is not my role to pick a winner. I firmly believe that my role, as a voter, is to defend the rights and property of my fellow citizens -- and I intend to do just that. I refuse to become a part of the problem.
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Depends. Am I poor and in need of various critical and costly services, or am I wealthy and concerned with my tax rate?
You might be interested that here, it's illegal to be charged anything for any medically-necessary, doctor-provided or prescribed service. It's like an HMO, only the insurer is the government. Our proportional administrative costs are about half yours.
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Like my friends from Ottawa say, "If you need an MRI you'll wait six months, but if your dog needs an MRI they can do it immediately." Guess which is insured by the government?
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Like my friends from Ottawa say, "If you need an MRI you'll wait six months, but if your dog needs an MRI they can do it immediately." Guess which is insured by the government?
That is so funny. I recently watched Michael Moores film on health care where he documents how a US citizen fakes Canadian residency just to get the government health care.
I had no basis for judging the fact or fiction of Moores film. Last week I happened to be in Ottawa and happened to see a Canadian version of SNL. The skit depicted a Canadian woman obviously pregnant bringing her cat to a veterinarian asking that the cat needed a sonogram. The vet told her her the cat wasn't pregnant, and that he was not a people Dr.. The announcer states " the lengths Canadians will go to receive services ".
I guess if Canadian comedians make fun of the health care it mustn't be all that Moore touted it to be.
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Yeah, it's sad too. I had a friend who lived in Ottawa. He was a brilliant computer scientist. At the young age of 32 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He could not get quick treatment in Canada so he came to the US to be treated. He didn't make it and his family believes the delay in treatment contributed to his death.
The reason that health care is so expensive in the USA is because it is NOT a competitive market. The huge bureaucratic overhead in health care would never be tolerated in private industry. One need look no further than laser vision correction. The price for that surgery has come down by some 50% since it's NOT covered by insurance. If it *was* covered the price would be going up like every other treatment.
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In similar fashion, nobody is denied medical attention in this country for lack of paying for a heath care provider. The rest of us already take care of that.
I am going to vote now. Neither party has done much to impress me although in the short term Newt and the new republican congress did fulfill all ten promises they made, including presenting the balanced budget, which Clinton signed. Beyond that, the two parties more or less became one, ripping off Joe taxpayer to benefit themselves.
My vote is for less government and more personal freedom. Shy of a revolution, I am not sure we will ever see that again. But I hope we do.
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We voted yesterday. It's sort of sad, for the lesser position of labor commissioner there are three candidates running. The candidate that was the least socialist was the guy born in Moscow (not Idaho).
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You know, a guy from the former (and now back again) USSR did the canvas on my boat a few years ago. He is more patriotic that some of my acquaintances. Speaks volumes about that complacency thing doesn't it.
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