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The effects of greenhouse gases
It isn't just about scare tactics and employing scientists who can't find a real job......
There is a taxing scheme built into the mix. They will get more money from your paycheck if enough people buy into the hype.
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The effects of greenhouse gases
My standard answer for long run statements or extrapolations is that no one has ever observed the long run. It is a sample size of less than 1. For instance, take the financial experts that failed the predict the current recession but so confidently tell us how to mix our investments based on our age.
Long run forecasts typically include dummy variables to account for past perturbations in the model. So they predict the future assuming only these same perturbations will occur in the future. The "long run" will introduce new perturbations wih unknown probability.
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The effects of greenhouse gases
Certainly there is a benefit to the government if people buy into the pseudo-science, both from a tax and control standpoint. It is much easier for a group of leaders to motivate a group of willing uninformed participants. A large percentage of new voters in the past election thought that the Republicans controlled the 110th Congress and wanted to "throw the bums out." Throwing the bums out (whether there is an R or D next to their name) might be a good idea in many cases if you know who the proper targets are.
I agree with the concept of minimal polution and environmental impact. But, this banner has been taken up by socialists that want to push a much stronger agenda that will cripple the US. I support new technologies that produce less polution. I use solar panels and have a hybrid car as well as my larger four wheel drive vehicles. Life is about balance, not extremes.
There is no question that we have seen some environmental extremes in the past decade. CO2 is also on the rise. But is the CO2 a cause or the effect of rising solar activity? Correlation is not the same as causation. If you shot 100 rabbits and they all died, are you making the case that increased lead level in their enviroment is leading to their decline? Some would.
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