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Empty Airports - Empty shelves a sign of bad economy
That is an interesting statement barack, of course we can shoot our food with the guns while your butter melts in the sun, folks laying around, drinking beer, watching and all
Funny how different folks see this economy differently. IMHO the entire mess is a result of government policies be they regulatory, taxation or spending.
Every restaurant around here is generally full to capacity every night, same with the shopping malls. Seems eating out is now an entitlement so if we can't afford it we simply put it on our cards.
My oldest son is house shopping and I have tried to convince him to make certain he can do the payment on one income. He is not looking at new McMansions but rather older homes in his price range. Great time to purchase a home too!
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Empty Airports - Empty shelves a sign of bad economy
Cutter I agree with you about the entitlement. I think it's also about retribution toward the banks--basically it's "screw 'em". Handing billions of OUR money to the thieves aka bankers for their "retention bonuses". My ass.
I'm 46, and my parents aren't even in their mid 60's; it's no wonder their parents' peers didn't trust the banks in general in the '30's and rersorted to stashing money under their collective mattresses.
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Empty Airports - Empty shelves a sign of bad economy
I'm with you EW, my grandparents and inlaws used banks but warned about waste and not saving. Heck, my aunts used to wash the aluminum foil!
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Empty Airports - Empty shelves a sign of bad economy
Frugality can be passed on generationally. It can go both ways though to the extreme. I have a buddy ten years my senior who grew up lower middle-class, but always scraped by. He's never owned a car newer than 10 years old. Then when he was about 30 he bought a Snap-On Tools route and instantly was grossing $3.2 million a year netting $380,000. He did this for 13 years. He invested heavily and bought sliver and gold up the butt. He lost his half-mil home in a divorce recently, married a woman, bought a used but decent double-wide and still drives 10-20 year old cars. Whether or not he's happy is debatable. And he always complains he's got no money.
Habits die hard.
If I had his money I'd burn mine.
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