Earth Hour March 28th
Murf, I was thinking about your electric bill. You mentioned a pool. If the pool has a half horsepower motor that would use somewhere around 1kwh. On our pool we had to run the circulating pump about 8 hours/day IIRC. If you do the same that's 8 kwh/day, or 240 kwh/month just for the pool pump.
So at 85kwh/month total billing it seems you're getting quite a deal. Maybe you know somebody at the electric company? 
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Earth Hour March 28th
Lack of coffee? Not wearing my glasses on a cloudy day? Senility?
I was misreading the wrong line of the bill.
It is 8.5kw/h per DAY average, ~260kw/h month. Oops.
The pool filter is one of those new high efficiency jobs on a cycling controller. It only runs an hour or so every 4 - 6 hours. The pool is also covered, so unless we're in it it's covered and not collecting any debris or dust.
The meter was changed in the early fall to one of those new "smart meters" that not only logs the usage, but whether it is during peak, or off peak times. It also has a radio transmitter in it so they can 'read the meter' as they drive down the street.
Best of luck.
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Earth Hour March 28th
260 KWH is still not much usage, generally speaking, appliances will use more than that. I have an in-ground pool on a timer and a time of use meter that reduces the rate in the evening and weekends but the KWH in the summer still stands around 1500.
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Earth Hour March 28th
...It is 8.5kw/h per DAY average, ~260kw/h month. ...
Still sounds like you must be reading the bill wrong or we all have to start asking more questions about how you achieve such low usage 
My last bill from March for February usage was $199 for 1165 kwh. Let's tackle this from the $ side what was your bill in Canukistan dollars for any of the winter months!
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Earth Hour March 28th
It does seem strange, I'll have to look into it.
Best of luck.
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Earth Hour March 28th
He just clammed up Dennis!!! That is a politician's answer if I ever heard one!!
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Earth Hour March 28th
Another mystery. we have two homes in separate communitys both served by the same power company. Power cost in one home is .109 per KW, other house is .154 per KW. I tried calling them onece to ask why but after five munitues of mechanical voices telling me to press something for something else, you know the rest of that BS, I just gave up.
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Earth Hour March 28th
Some costs are passthroughs so you may have taxes in one that are not in the other. Taxing big business only hurts those nasty CEOs!
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Earth Hour March 28th
He just clammed up Dennis!!! That is a politician's answer if I ever heard one!!
Hmmmmmm! Cutter, if I had such a small bill I think I would be wise enough to be quiet about the good thing I had going. Murf maybe you should edit out your comments so "big mother utility company" does not hunt you down! 
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Earth Hour March 28th
Ok, somebody needs to let Jeffy know about this thread now....
I had what I can only describe as "multiplicitous seniors moments". 
I did have the numbers right, the second time, buuuuuttttt....
I get two bills from the same "big mother utility company", the one I was looking at was for my summer place..... (Where's the embarrassed smiley face?)
The house uses an average of 1,200 kw/h a month....
He he he, ooops. Mea Culpa.
The adult beverage of you choice is on me, but I don't deliver. 
Best of luck.
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