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Tax Day Tea Party
Tax Day Tea Party
Are any of you involved in one of these TEA (Taxed Enough Already) gatherings today?
My wife and her siblings are going to one today in NJ. While I am not at all happy with how things are going I am not sure what these events will accomplish, I guess it cannot hurt.
Here is a summary of the movement:
"The Tax Day Tea Party is a national collaborative grassroots effort organized by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter, the DontGo Movement and many other online groups/coalitions.
The Tea Party protests, in their current form, began in early 2009 when Rick Santelli, the On Air Editor for CNBC, set out on a rant to expose the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House Administration and Congress. Specifically, the flawed “Stimulus Bill” and pork filled budget.
During Rick’s rant (see video below), he called for a “Chicago tea Party” where advocates of the free-market system could join in a protest against out of control government spending.
A few days later, grassroots activists and average Joe Americans began organizing what would soon become the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party effort.
On February 27th, an estimated 30,000 Americans took to the street in 40+ cities accross the country in the first nationwide “Tea Party” protest.
Organizers of the February 27th events pledged to continue on with an even bigger and better protest to follow the first. With April 15th being “Tax Day”, it was decided to schedule the second round of Tea Party protests to ride alongside the tax deadline.
And with that, the “Tax Day Tea Party”, the second round of the Nationwide Tea Party protests, moved into reality."
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Tax Day Tea Party
I'm going to try to make the one in Beaverton, but my wife and I sent short letters containing tea bags to all our reps, senators and the president. It was awfully hard to stomach writing those letters with the words "The honorable...." preceding their names.
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Tax Day Tea Party
Yes, I'm attending one in Midland, MI. I've never been involved in a demonstration before. Need to be busy during the day making my banners!
Earlier today, my wife and I wasted a whole bunch of money as we kissed the envelopes containing our State and Federal tax return envelopes! I've been upset for weeks since my tax accountant told me the bad news.
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Tax Day Tea Party
The one nearest to be began at 12 noon today and really did not work for this working tax payer.
But I agree with what was said on Fox last night, the attendance if real large or real low will influence Washington.
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Tax Day Tea Party
I went with my wife to the tea party, our neighbors went also. The crowd got lots of support from motorists passing by. Our tea party was a couple of hundred strong. Not bad for a small commuter town in the middle of a rainy day, on tax day!
The crowd had some obviously negative sentiments on the quality of our leadership in Congress as well as our NJ Governor Corzine.
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Tax Day Tea Party
The sleeping goliath is finally realizing it is being nailed into the ground one tax increase at a time.
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Tax Day Tea Party
The sleeping goliath is finally realizing it is being nailed into the ground one tax increase at a time.
Cutter, I think these protest ralleys are a great thing.....the big question is will the sleeping goliath go back to sleep come next November and November 2010? AmeriKa's voters have oh such a short attention span and memory. We as a nation had a chance to elect a SINCERE and constutionally oriented candidate last November and most people threw their votes away on Democrat and Republican candidates. The ONE REAL Republican in the race Ron Paul was dismissed as a nutty whacko......now what. LOT'S folks crying crocodile tears now.
Why did we have to wait until our country was turn upside down into a liberal fascist mess before folks took notice and FINALLY decides to wake up???
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Tax Day Tea Party
Too many sheeple that don't care Chief, that is until the gravy train runs out of gravy and mashed potatoes.
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Tax Day Tea Party
I estimated that there were about 750-1000 people at the tea party I attended in Midland, MI. The local news said there were 450 people there. The main theme was not against a specific political party but the corruption and uncontrolled spending by both. There wasn't a person of color to be seen anywhere in the crowd. Many emphazised what is going to happen to our next generation. I saw all age groups but the majority were middle aged and older.
I felt good for attending but see the need to keep focused on these issues and make my thoughts known to others in the future and keep the pressure on so they hear us!
Liberals feel that we are cry-babies for losing the election. I see it that we, the working minority, are going to be forced to pay by taxation for the life styles of others that were foolish in there expenditures or for those that are not willing to work but want the same things as me.
I don't feel sorry for those that have balloon mortgages or those that over bought homes with no money down. With the most recent banking changes, I understand we are back to 100% mortages again. The liberal news media is saying that the economy is coming back as evidenced by a spike in home purchases. Most didn't learn from recent mortgage mistakes and are tempted into making the same mistakes again.
I'm concerned what events will be triggered when/if GM and Chrysler file bankruptcy. It could cause a major upset with the supplier network that will migrate across the entire nation into a domino effect.
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Tax Day Tea Party
I have a real hard time going along with the Obama plan to dish out billions to insolvent corporations, and yes I know it started in the Bush administration. Now if the Obama plan is so great why didn't they stop the billions of giveaway money that we will have to cover sometime. Seems better to let some big timers go down than to take all of us down with taxes.
Those who were so greedy, big finance, labor unions, corporsate bosses, etc. would have a tough lesson to learn.
It's hard to put a blame on those who were encouragesd to go in debt to the point that those who were loaning to them know they could never make it work. But on the other hand those willing to take such risky loans should also have shown some responsibility too, this one is a hard call.
Credit cards weere a good idea in their beginning until greed took over on the part of the card issuers, again greed is the culprit.
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