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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
EW; I think you may have breathed a bit too much big city smog to want to come to the peace and quiet of Iowa.
Oh, about your in heritance. I'll leave you all I've inherited, ever see a check with all zeros to the left of the decimal point?
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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
Big city, eh? Just yesterday the local combine guy turned his rig around on our private road and tore it up after I just graded it. We're 25 miles from Deeeetroit, and 25 miles from Ooooo-hi-o. Actually, Canada is only ten miles away.
Shoot, if I had YOUR money---I'd BURN mine. 
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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
Advertisers do carry at least more weight then a reader. As it is their dollars the papers depend on which depends on positive results.
Yes, newspapers are in business to make a profit that does depend on their advertisers, but one principle of newspaper ethics is the separation of the editorial and advertising wings. For instance, movies once threatened to stop advertising in a Toronto paper's entertainment section because of a critical film reviewer -- the paper said "Sorry but we can't stifle the expression of expert opinion" and the movie folks caved. Car advertisers threatened our local paper with a boycott because of critical comments in my column. The paper made me aware of the threat for my information but assured me they would not interfere with whatever I wrote.
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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
Auer, I'm an avid viewer of Canadian TV and some radio. Isn't it fair to say though there is a vast difference between your culture and ours in basically every aspect--up to and including the way we each see the world, to morals, to politics, to journalism, even TV programs?
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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
EW; I think you may have breathed a bit too much big city smog to want to come to the peace and quiet of Iowa.Oh, about your in heritance. I'll leave you all I've inherited, ever see a check with all zeros to the left of the decimal point?
Frank, there is much more than money or such that our parents can pass on to us. In that theme you can help out of Jeff a lot and me too.
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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
Kenny, ah-hem, WHAT might THAT be?
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Unintended consequences of the Stimulus package
Auer, I'm an avid viewer of Canadian TV and some radio. Isn't it fair to say though there is a vast difference between your culture and ours in basically every aspect--up to and including the way we each see the world, to morals, to politics, to journalism, even TV programs?
There are certainly differences between the two countries, just as there are between regions within each country. But I think our similarities are pretty striking compared to other adjoining countries. Think of US and Mexico, N & S Korea, China & Russia, etc.
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