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Chevy Volt - 230 mpg Yeah right
Frank, how many pages do you think it will take the Government to state the tax code on that 50 cents per bushel?
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Chevy Volt - 230 mpg Yeah right
Now that we have Government Motors making a car that gets 230 MPG and trying to convince everyone we will save energy, we will get Government Medical to provide medical care for everyone and we will all save money as soon as everyone has health care.
As my grandpa told me as an eight year old boy, "As soon as Man will fly to the moon." If he only knew...
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Chevy Volt - 230 mpg Yeah right
Mass producing lithium-ion batteries in the quantity needed for autos is currently only possible for a very short period before the price of Lithium carbonate sky rockets making the batteries unaffordable. Bolivia controls 50% of the world's Lithium deposits and is none to keen on mining it all for capitalist autos. Plus the mining generates much sulpher dioxide. Unless their politics change forget lithium-ion batteries in cars. Burning more coal to generate electricity to charge cars seems a little nuts too.
A better bet is fuel cells using natural gas to reform into hydrogen. Nat gas is plentiful. Japan appears to be making a big investment in this for auto technology. As usual their ahead again.
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Chevy Volt - 230 mpg Yeah right
As far as batteries go, GM announced this past week that they are installing a battery assembly plant just a few miles from here in a half-million sq ft building. It's suppose to be the world's largest with 600 employees. The batteries will be made in Korea and assembled here. They're already talking about the next generation of batteries.
Curiously, I noticed the other day in Detroit right next to the region's largest salt mine someone is building a huge hydrogen manufacturing facility. The massively thick (think: nuclear reactor thick), skeletonized stucture is made of reinforced concrete and rises about 20 stories but not straight up; the face of one side is slanted--almost as if some took a vertical slice of the Hoover Dam. I'm thinking that maybe the sloped face could be a cooling surface for water to run down. I'm also curious of its proximity to a. the salt mines and b. the many oil refineries just south of it.
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Chevy Volt - 230 mpg Yeah right
The background on that mileage figure was just released. And I can tell you yes, in fact it WILL get 230 mpg. Under certain conditions.
It can go up to 40 miles on the battery alone. So if you pussyfoot for around 40 miles and then go another, say, three miles, the gas consumed for the TOTAL 43 miles would work out to the astonishing figure.
But if you then can't plug it in, and just burn gas thereafter, your mileage would be nothing to brag about. On the other hand, if you recharge before the battery runs down (regardless of driving technique), your gas consumption would be zero, making your mpg, um, infinite?
It's like saying the Hummer gets 100 mpg. Under certain driving conditions. Coasting downhill.
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