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Hey Michigan
Today has been my Michigan day:
Help a couple from there on insurance.
Had waiter at Applebee’s from there.
Had clerk at Radio Shack from there.
Heard on the news there is about 25% unemployment in Detroit. Are things not improving any? Has Government Motors and all the clunkers not given the area any spark?
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Hey Michigan
Today in the paradise of Ontario a truck-driver was fined $300 for smoking a cigarette in his cab.
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Hey Michigan
WOW Kenny your timing is uncanny! Just last night a buddy here in Mitch-ee-gin claaed to ask (beg) me to come work him build a new car asembly line at the Mercedes plant in SC or NC. All for the grand per hour rate of $17+ an hour. He was geeked because that's decent money for him. Once I broke it down for him after taxes it will take him literally ALL day to make what I can in an hour--without leaving home. BUT he says you can work all the overtime you want! Really? I thought you were trying to make this attractive to me --all that overtime goes to the gubbermint!
Anywho, Kenny that 25% is for Detroit proper, not the metro area. State wide it's something like 12.5%--more than double the norm. As far as people from here going there, what can I say--as you know I wanted desperately to be there but the economy is bad everywhere, right? Did ya ever get the guest room made up for me should I h-a-p-p-e-n to pop in?
Auer--what's the deal? I heard it on the local US news--but then all of a sudden no one is reporting on it? Is it possible that being a truck driver--and possibly an owner operator that the gubbermint considers his cab his "workplace"? And was that $300 US or Canadian?
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Hey Michigan
It's only "news" because the truckers are kicking up a big fuss about it claiming it's unfair.
Too bad, what's next, we don't need to wear a seat belt because it's our home not just our truck?
It's been the law in Ontario that you can't smoke in an 'enclosed workplace' for more than 10 years, an amendment to that law about 5 years ago extended it to all 'enclosed workplaces'.
In fact one of my sub-contractors was rather dismayed to find out when stopped by a DOT inspector that he could no longer smoke in his truck ever again, regardless of what time of day, what day of the week, or whether he was working or not!! The law says no smoking in a 'workplace', it doesn't limit that to work hours.
BTW, the law describes a 'workplace' as the following;
"“enclosed workplace” means,
(a) the inside of any place, building or structure or vehicle or conveyance or a part of any of them,
(i) that is covered by a roof,
(ii) that employees work in or frequent during the course of their employment whether or not they are acting in the course of their employment at the time, and
(iii) that is not primarily a private dwelling, or
(b) a prescribed place; (“lieu de travail clos”)"
So even a machine (tractor, mower, dozer., etc.) with a 4 post ROPS and a sun canopy or roof on it is an "enclosed workplace" in Ontario.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse as they say.
Best of luck.
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Hey Michigan
Murf, can they chew? Wonder what the fine is for spitting out the window of a moving truck?
Jeff, Mercedes is in Alabama I think, BMW is in SC. FYI there were a few unmarked BMW used by our Highway Patrol donated by BMW. A friend said a lady from NJ said that was not fair.
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Hey Michigan
EW, forgot about that spare room. Give me a half hour and will have dog house back up.
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Hey Michigan
Kenny, the prohibition is against "smoking" not tobacco.
The Provincial Police (like our version of State Troopers) here started using a Cessna to patrol the major highways last year. It records your speed, etc., then radios ahead to parked cruisers waiting on the side of the road to sell you your tickets to the Policemen's Ball. 
Talk about unmarked, how about invisible!
Best of luck.
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Hey Michigan
Kenny--ruff ruff. Free food though right?
And I stand corrected; it was BMW. German. Bavarian. Parts is parts. NC-SC--states is states
Murf--We've used planes for 30 or more years to patrol highways; 'copters are more prevalent. In fact there are 2'-wide white painted stripes on the highway for clocking/timing.
And maaaaan! I though WE had some strict laws.
Do your laws make allowances for being self-employed, conrtactor or a "farm worker"? Like in my case because I'm not incorporated (sole proprietor), I fall under the category of a farmer as far as OSHA laws are concerned which are very loose like noise exposure.
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Hey Michigan
Jeff, no paint lines required here, the Cessna is equipped with some pretty fancy hardware from south of the border, one of the States up-graded their electronics and we bought it.
The vehicle tracking stuff is basically a weapons guidance system capable of tracking over (they won't say exactly) 100 vehicles simultaneously. The actual speed measurements of those chosen for a road-side chat are recorded by a laser speed system as well as video-taped for court use.
Our 'OSHA' laws only exempt 'farmers' who actually farm. All the Health & Safety provisions only refer to 'workers' or 'employees'.
There have been several instances of self-employed people being charged for failing to provide adequate safety for themselves! 
The Goobermints position, and I agree with it, is that it costs the same to treat (with public healthcare $$$) an injured self-employed person as it does to treat a 'worker'.
There are however other instances where the self-employed get big breaks. The aforementioned healthcare for instance is funded by a 'employer health tax' paid by the employer as a partly wage deduction, mostly employer paid 'contribution'. So if you are self-employed and don't take a 'wage' your healthcare is free.
Best of luck.
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Hey Michigan
Murf the line on if self employed and no pay your heatlh care is free...so how does the self employed get the income, does dividends work?
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