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Thank God we voted a couple weeks ago by absentte ballot when the candidates were actually telling us what he/she would try to do to make things better.
It's almost comical how seeming intellegent people who want us to give them the right/privlidge to govern things are suddenly acting like a bunch of second graders in schoolyard bantering.
Only one local candidate to my knowledge has not stooped to the he/she is a crook, tax cheat, whatever bashing of their opponet.
Even if I hadn't already voted the mute button would get clicked anyway. Is it just me or do you guys/girls do the same?
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No, Frank, like a lot of things---it's just you.
Sucks to be you.
(Okay, now that Frankyboy lit the fire so to speak, let's what a little gas- o-line will do....) te he he
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No it is not just you Frank.
I don't understand the Democrats at all. First remember I am in South Carolina the state that fired the first shots on the Union. We had I think our first black state senator to win a major primary and they attacked him! Why, he beat the person they wanted and I have no idea if he was pink, yellow or what. To me a person who had never held any political office, who had served in two branches of the military and did very little campaigning won they should have said look how fair we are. Forget the guy did not have a good military record (not honorable discharge if memory is correct and had some legal issue but gee I though that would have made him poster child for their party.
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It's gotten to the point where I don't listen to the candidates, or read the mailings, or pay any attention to the debates or other rhetoric, or even read much of the Voter's guide. But I do look in the voter's guide at the candidates education, affiliations, and endorsements. Those are usually an accurate indication of where a candidate stands.
In Oregon all voting is vote by mail. Early indications are that ballot returns from rural areas (generally very conservative) are very heavy and ballot returns from Portland (aka Moscow on the Willamette) are very light. Maybe a good indication but I'd be very surprised if some of the entrenched idiots were ousted.
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I really don't understand why we can not prosecute politicians for fraud when they promise one thing and then do the opposite when in office.
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Read an article in yesterdays local paper about TV ads.
It seems that research has shown that most TV ads lasting longer than 15 seconds are more effective than 30 or 60 second ones. People just won't pay attention for much longer than that. The commeercial breaks are just as long if not longer during an show but they may repeat same list of 15 second ads several times during the breaks.
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I meant to say TV ads lasting 15 seconds or LESS got the most attention. Not the ones lasting more than 15 seconds.
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