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My Northern Friends
Okay your help during the hot months was nice as you let a breeze of two slip by you to us...but time to ask you to shut those doors. Our high the next two days is about where our low was a week ago, burrr. Mid 50's for a high first of November, come on guys.
Oh, had almost forgotten the skitters. Okay one freeze and that will do.
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My Northern Friends
How bout set up a big fan, face it north, and turn it on for us.
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My Northern Friends
Oh Kenny---you crybaby. We were supposed to get snow flurries today. BUT it's going back to the mid-60's all next week. Yummmmm.
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My Northern Friends
We have snow on the ground. I have plowed the driveway once so far and the over night low was zero a couple of days ago. We need more snow or the frost line will go down, freezing pipes. I would love to send our weather your way. I don't want to hear any complaints about low 50's, would love to have a nice warm day like that!
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My Northern Friends
From the tropics of Iowa.
Things have been great weatherwise, a warm breeze from anywhere a politician was all fall.
Now the reallity sets in, "Iowa? Was Just where is that now????"
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My Northern Friends
Just to let you all know we made it. Cold wind blew from ole Jeff but the country boy did survive. My son in law was some more bundled up due to the wind as it felt like off of ice. Knew I could count on your support!
Frank you might be hit the real cause, Tuesday the elections were over and the hot air being produce stopped and the temp dropping began.
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