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Commercial Drivers License CDL Needed to haul Excavator
It is my understanding the CDL requirements have been standardized across the US. I have an excavator that is just under 10,000 pounds. So trailer would need to be rated at least 10,000 capacity which guess would mean at least 12,000 but could be 14,000 (?) GVWR? If I am reading the CDL requirements that by it self means you need CDL, does anyone know if that is correct?
Then the next question is for that load what would be minimum truck capacity to safely pull it? Have no plans to do so often nor any more than 10 miles one way to a family members.
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Commercial Drivers License CDL Needed to haul Excavator
I don't have a CDL but have often wondered about some of the rules that seemed odd, or inappropriate.
I guess the one that digs me the most is saomeone who probably never drove anything only a regular auto to and from work now is retired, buys a big motorhome with a car in tow going down the interstate weaving all over the place, no CDL needed. I have followed some of them weaving all over the place in a heavy crossswind that most truckers would have the common sense to sit it out till the wind goes down.
I have a neighbor who is a volunteer fireman, he does have a CDL but tells me this. Anyone with a regular drivers liscence as a volunteer fireman can legally drive a fire truck to and from a fire. Now the odd part, this same person with a regular drivers liscence cannot legally drive a Firetruck in a parade without a CDL.
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Commercial Drivers License CDL Needed to haul Excavator
Any combination of vehicle and trailer capacity over 24,001 lb. needs a CDL---and in my state commercial plates which cost 4 times what private cars cost.
BUT you aren't commerical since you don't make money with it.
Trailers are another matter. I'd say you need 14K because at 12K subtracting the weight of the trailer of likely 2500 lb. you'd be overweight by 500 lb.
Play it safe and go see your local weigh master or motor carrier enforcement and run your situation past them as far as being commercial or not. It doesn't hurt to be on the right side of the law IMHO anyway.
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Commercial Drivers License CDL Needed to haul Excavator
BUT you aren't commerical since you don't make money with it.
So if you are not using it for a business or hire it is different? On our DMV website they used 26,000 pounds and not 24,000 if read correctly.
Those you said to run it by, government employees? Would that be the DOT weight people?
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Commercial Drivers License CDL Needed to haul Excavator
If you make money with it, then you are commercial and then all those DOT laws apply to you. Oh goody!
Call your local state police post and ask for a DOT enforcement officer and run it past them.
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Commercial Drivers License CDL Needed to haul Excavator
Well since our DMVW was closed for Holiday yesterday looked at the regs again very carefully and had good friend who is attorney to also. Seems I missed an important word, "combined" think was the word. If the combined weight exceed 26,000 pounds then CDL is needed if tow vehicle is rated in excess of 10,000 GVWR. So might be able to keep my needs under those.
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