2012 drought
See the weather news know many areas are hard hit over last couple of months with little rain and above normal heat.
In my area the last two years were on that order here with last year really dry and hot. So far this year has had good rain fall mostly. Hot some but really nothing major. Corn crop here is varied, most looks great and once in while you see a field that looks terrible. Last of soybeans planted about one or two weeks back which is about six weeks late and much of the delay was due to wet fields. Short our crops are looking very good and both they and grass is growing fast. We don't have enough rain to have water in most branches but still damp.
Even with our dought last year hay was being shipped from here to Texas due to their shortage of cattle grazing crop.
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2012 drought
The Iowa crop reporting service released it's latest crop ratings for the state yesterday;
Corn only 28% in the good to excellent category, the lowest I ever remember.
Soybeans, 32% in the good to excellent.
One of the weather reporting stations is about a half mile from us they showed 104.3 a while ago with a 25 MPH SW wind.
No meaningfull rain here in the month of July, so not much of a crop left.
Cattlemen have been feeding hay for quite a while.
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2012 drought
Good year for western KY farmers to have purchased crop insurance. 40% corn yield at best, no first crop beans, late second crop that might not survive if there's hard frost in Oct. Tobacco is sparse, what's alive is stunted. Hay yield is below 50%. Neighbor got 19 rolls out of a patch that should produce 43. My little patch should provide 18+, we only got 8-1/2. Glad I retired from feeding livestock last year.
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2012 drought
I retired from farming in 07 so I've forgotten a lot about most everything, but the crop insurance I'm sure is different now than I would have remembered.
I do rfemember it coud be bought at different levels, but even the highest level wasn't as good as getting a crop.
We did get four tenths of rain but more than that it has cooled off. The four tenths won't save the crop but it did make everyone feel better.
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2012 drought
We have had rain Sunday, Monday and then Tuesday. We have to have the most rain this summer we have in a few years. My wife cut our grass Friday aftrnoon and yesterday it looked like it was over a week old. Normally does well on a 7 day cutting cycle. Expecting it to warm up a little bit and rain to drop off for the next few days. Soybeans got planted late by many due to fields being so wet and if we don't get an early forst think they will do fine for our rains normally don't support late planted soybeans.
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2012 drought
Finally some rain and cooler temps here yesterday.
The rain was a bit spotty, not a general rain, but most of eastern Iowa got some. We had an inch and six tenths in about a half hour, I don't think a drop ran off.
The corn that hadn't shut down will probably benfit some. The soybeans and pasture/hay ground will benefit the most.
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2012 drought
We live in a small town in central NY called Waterville! We have been fortunate that the rain has been light but good. I was able to at one time not mow my lawn for three weeks which is great as I'm normally doing it between 4 to 7 days at the most. Our hay crops have been light and some frmers have said that third was the best. The corn leaves did curl a couple of times but nothing to severe.
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2012 drought
We too suffered from drought(south central MI). Not being a farmer myself but live surrounded by quite a few large farms their corn was growing very patchy all depending on high or low spots according to 'moist spots' in the field -all depended too on when some planted early some of those fields seemed to 'fair' a tad better. Soybeans looked dismal you could just see individual stalks and rows and not the 'continous cover' like in other years. havesting the beans seemed more like a effort in creating dust. I lost my lawn to the drought -I was after a while figured it was a losing battle to try to keep watering it.
But my biggest thing for this year has been the fruit trees with the weird spring we had here in MI and wiping out the majority of the fruit etc . I have a couple Barlett Pear trees well the 'early early spring ' and frost 'killed' them off or so i thought --BUT in mid Sept this year the trees started flowering.. discussed that with local old timers and they just shook their heads in amazment. So maybe I'll lose another pear crop for next year.
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2012 drought
Yeah, my little orchard was a dead loss this year. Just personal size; apples/peaches/pears/cherries/nectarines/blueberries/grapes for home use. One of the three grapevines - the late one that usually gives me grapes in Aug/Sep - didn't produce until November. Everything else was a total write-off.
But the real wild one was the honeysuckle. It's usually in full bloom before the end of May, but for only about 2-3 weeks. But in late May of this year, there were very few honeysuckle that were even green. Imagine my surprise when I eventually saw some blooming near the end of October !!
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