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Why is Ammo in short supply
Do not want this to be anything other than simple facts:
Are you seeing 22 ammo in your area now?
In mine one gun store is getting a little, Wal Mart says what they get Pawn Stores buy the next morning. About same at Bass Pro.
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Why is Ammo in short supply
Popular Pistol Ammo, .22, .22 mag and .223 ammo is still scare here in Michigan. You can get hunting rifle and shotgun ammo without a problem. I bought a nice Savage .17hmr bolt action rifle this spring along with a couple thousand rounds of ammo since it is available everywhere. Winchester even had a rebate on .17 hmr ammo going at the time.
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Why is Ammo in short supply
Starting to see some. Was over Watkins Glen Sat they had .22lr and .223. I just received 2400 rds of 5.56/.223 I'd ordered in Nov. Still waiting for 5K rds of .224 55gr SP for reloading.
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Why is Ammo in short supply
Grandson works in a gun shop. He tells me that as soon as any comes in it is gone in a day.
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Why is Ammo in short supply
Do not think have seen any issue with shotgun ammo here. Wal Mart is using it to keep shelves partly filled. Hunting rifle ammo is hit and miss at Wal Mart but gun stores seem fine. Handgun ammo again at Wal Mart is scare but did find some 9 MM a couple of weeks back at fair price. Since then seen none. Have not looked for handgun ammo at gun store but my impression is they are stocked rather well. At least there are no gaps on the shelves...well other than where 22 all types go and my impression is the 17 are also in short supply even in gun stores here.
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Why is Ammo in short supply
There is still a massively HUGE demand for ammunition with a "tactical" or "tactical training" value. Hence the huge demand for .223, .308, shotgun buckshot, and rimfire ammunition (especially .22 Long Rifle). The same situation applies to metallic reloading components.
The ammunition is out there and being stocked on the shelves and in various online stores but it get bought up almost immediately.
It is a matter of being at the right place at the right time or finding an online seller who has ammo in stock. If they do have it in stock, you had better buy it as fast as you can because waiting even a minute or two will result in an out of stock online message.
I check Gunbot frequently throughout the day and when ammo that I want comes available for the right price, I jump on it.
Even then I find that a good bit of the ammo is already out of stock. So keep an eye out and move FAST. :O)
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