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Up here in Eastern Ontario, we are experiencing an extreme shortage of propane. There are homeowners with empty propane bottles with no refills in the near future (I'm at 15% and still waiting). The two big distributors here are blaming everything from farmers drying crops with propane to rail car problems and of course the excessively cold weather. The weather I can buy as an excuse, but that's the business they are in. Has anyone else experienced or are experiencing a propane shortage?
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When our tank was filled about a month ago the price was 80 cents/gallon higher than a year ago.
A shortage would explain that but a shortage doesn't make much sense (to me anyway). There's no shortage of crude oil in the US, driving is down, manufacturing is down, governments are lamenting the loss of gas tax revenue, "green" energy is up, etc, etc. Maybe a couple of refineries were shut down to keep petroleum product prices high.
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I think it is a game they are playing to raise prices. Had mine filled a long time before cold weather and my dealer was talking about rationing then, only filled mine to 65%. They are greedy.
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Well a few days before Christmas there was two local places that refill the 20 pound tanks here doing so for about $6 if memory is correct. Other places said that is about what the gas cost. They were directly across from each other and had a price war going on. I am not aware of any issue with propane here and no idea on what we paid when our tank was filled about two months back.
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I'd be surprised at a shortage this time of year. I suspect a couple of local outfits got caught off guard with the cold weather.
Here in the GTA there's no shortage, nor up in Muskoka. I've had deliveries in both locations in the past couple weeks. Large ones too.
Best of luck.
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Was just reading NE US shortage. Feds have lifted driver HOS hours of servive regs. So trucks delivering to these area can do what they need to making deliveries.
A wet fall harvest spiked the need for farmers, one of the larger pipe lines is down for maint and the extreme cold weather "The POLAR VORTEX" hit the propane users hard.
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