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Individual Health Ins in the USA
If you are in the USA and are not on a group plan you have till the end of this month to make application. If you fail to by the end of March you not only may have tax penalty but you will not be able to buy an individual plan till the end of the year for 2015.
Hope you well. kt
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Individual Health Ins in the USA
Funny how our Federal Government works or does not as the case may be.
People are told there is an extension but, this is on their web site this AM.
"Open enrollment is over for 2014"
Many people do not realize this means they can not buy coverage to be effective before Jan 1st, 2015. (there are some reasons you can but very limited.)
First they require the person to have insurance and then they don't allow you to buy it. Let me get this right, this is the USA or not?
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Individual Health Ins in the USA
Having been on a company provided plan my entire life I am wondering what the costs are like for people that loose their employment and have to go on their own plans. Do you know what the costs are and how the plans compare to the typical large company plans in terms of coverage and hassles with reimbursement and coverage for serious illness?
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Individual Health Ins in the USA
I'd bet my best dog, if I had a dog that if you rounded up a dozen government insurance specialists, ask them to explain Obama care you would get a dozen different answers.
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Individual Health Ins in the USA
Frank you are very correct.
Dennis, the new plans all have smaller networks, no out of network coverage and some require you have approval by the primary doc to see any other provider. You really have to check on your own if not working an agent license with the different companies.
Expect to see higher, much higher out of pocket most plans are around $6,300 per person per year with most likely higher deductibles and drug copays.
For what I think you want go to Healthcare.gov, select "Individuals and Families" and then the subtopic "see plans and prices". You will do a lot of click to see the information on the plans and to learn what providers they have and the coverage.
Pricing is most likely higher. Don't be surprised if the law does not change to see more companies drop their health insurance totally and let the employees find coverage on their own. If this happens the Federal Governments estimated cost for subsidy will jump. Some believe the push to now raise the minimum wage is to push some off of being eligible for the subsidy.
There will be changes in this law but no way I will try to guess what they will be. But this law does NOTHING to lower health care cost. Even if there is 7 million who signed up there was a higher number who lost their coverage due to this law so the net result is a negative number. I know, I worked this for four full months. kt
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