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Best Hunting Vehicle
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The point of the original message might have been to question if the Polaris may be a better Utility cart?? Is it?
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Best Hunting Vehicle
You are right about the polaris set up they are faster. I found the Kubota very easy to drive for all conditions that I had to drive them in with the Mule,ranger,and gator for comparisons.
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Best Hunting Vehicle
I don't own one, but around here it seems that the hunting vehicles wear horseshoes and burn hay. A lot of the really good elk territory is closed to motor vehicle traffic of any sort.
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Best Hunting Vehicle
There is only one greatest hunting vehicle,and for most people,they already have it,its your feet. If you want to play and ride around,thats great,but if you want to hunt,walking is always the best mode of transportation. Richard
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Best Hunting Vehicle
Richard, you should try hunting on horseback sometime. It's a lot less strenous, you can cover more ground in less time, and NOTHING will get you closer to a critter in the woods than a horse will.
We all carry a length of stout rope when we ride in the bush, it makes getting a deer dressed and out of the bush MUCH easier, and I couldn't tell you how many times I've puller a stuck ATV out.
Besides, even if you get skunked on the hunt you got a nice ride in.
Best of luck.
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Best Hunting Vehicle
You are right,a horse or a mule would be the next closest perfect hunting vehicle,all depends on where your hunting. Most of the hunting within 1000 miles of w.va.,is on small tracts of land,close to a road,you don't need a ATV to "hunt" it. Now an ATV will come in handy getting your deer out,and maybe even getting you to the treestand area,but other then that,its a deer negative.
I've watched deer when ATV's are coming,they run away. They have caught on to the sound,maybe in the beginning,they hadn't yet,but they have now.
People are forgetting how to walk,its no wonder we and are children are getting fatter and fatter. Richard [this post was edited by others then me]
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Best Hunting Vehicle
Richard, I have been in a food fight or two in my time on this board and far be it from me to point any finger of blame. Your experience, knowledge and input is very welcome here and I for one learn from and enjoy your posts a great deal as I do Murf's as well. I consider both of you friends. I can understand giving as good as you get and sticking up for yourself but this post in my opinion steps over the line with respect to language. I would appreciate it if you would reconsider your comments and perhaps "reword" them. I think it would be best for the board and all concerned. I am not taking any sides; just that curse words and the terms used here have no place on this board. Yeah, we all use them from time to time in a moment of anger (at least speaking for myself especially when driving in city traffic). If you and Murf choose to continually slug it out; that is between the two of you. I hate to see it to be honest and would hope you two could find a happy medium. But those terms and words just don't belong here and they harm you as much as they do this board Richard. Again, I would thank you for your reconsideration of the wording of this post. Thanks.
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Best Hunting Vehicle
Chief,I know I have never met you,but if I did,I believe I would like you,so I do respect what you say.
Now,regardless of what went on between me and murf,[and if I get an honest shake],he replied to me,I would not have replied to him or mark h,in the future after the bullshit that went on,did you notice that?
I'll leave them alone,but if after all the names and such that they[and others] threw out against me on their keyboards,will I let them type back to me like nothing happened,conspiracy does come to mind.
So the bottom line is this,if you all can't handle an honest man like me,who doesn't vote,and is not political,who has knowledge to offer the board,and who basicly doesn't care what the rest of the club thinks,then do like Dennis suggested,vote me off, I could give a shit less at this point.
Remember this though,I was also kicked off the "other" board for the same reasons. Richard
p.s.,I deleted my remarks to muffy,this will not happen again,I got to edit my edit,What I meant by that is I ain't going to be deleting anymore retorts to nasty indivduals,the only reason,like I have said,that I deleted on the other topic,was so dennis wouldn't delete the whole thing,thus loosing a thesis worth of welding knowledge by me and about two or three other people.You see what your into here,good stuff lost because somebody is thined skined.,etc,etc. And I never will be able to figure out why a conversation between two people who disagree should worry any body else?Is there somekind of government overseer that I don't know about,who will shut you down unless you behave in a politically correct way or something?
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Best Hunting Vehicle
This thread will be deleted shortly as it seems to be an Ad by someone, and the rest of the content is now somewhat pointless.
Started in the junk hopper and seems to have ended there.
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Best Hunting Vehicle
I second that motion. ;o)
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