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Hit and run JERKS
I was trying to find a copy of a news story on this subject to post here but it's gone now, too old I guess.
The facts of the story are like this;
A guy gets drunk at a local watering hole one Friday night this past fall near my cottage. In his drunken stupor he wobbles over to his pickup and climbs in heading for home in the wee hours of the morning. About 5 miles north of town he runs into a guy, literally, who is parking his truck to go back into the bush to his deer stand.
The hunter calls the police to report the hit & run from his cell. He is badly shaken but OK. His truck is not so well, the box is pushed in about 2 feet and the front end is demo'd from stopping against a rock wall on the side of the road.
The police search high & low for this guy figuring he couldn't have made it very far with a heavily damaged vehicle himself. A couple hours after sun-up his truck was spotted in a field off a side road.
The driver was found DEAD in the bush beyond the truck, he had apparently suffered internal injuries in the crash. It turns out the field was a mile or so from his home and they figure he was going to walk home, sleep it off then get up the next morning and report the truck stolen. He must have collapsed part way there and with nobody to help him he died before he was found.
Justice?, maybe.
BTW, the bar that allowed the deceased to a) get drunk, and b) leave drunk, paid for a NEW truck for the hunter provided he did not sue them.
Best of luck.
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Hit and run JERKS
Murf - email me the rest of your story please. my email address is in my profile.I was only able to read that the drunk guy climbed into his truck & got about 5 miles. Thanks. - steve
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