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 03-28-2004, 21:57 Post: 81441

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 The curse The greatlakes

Dont ever move within a few miles of any of the great lakes. I have lived here most of my life and just now figured out how much I hate this Lake Michigan. It keeps us too cold in the summer most of the time to really enjoy hot weather activities and too warm in the winter to really get and serious snow (here in the southern parts anyway) Today it must of been around 65-70 when I was 15 miles inland. I got home to within a mile from the Lake and it was 55 degrees. (Lake temp right now must be around 40 degrees) We had a S/SE wind so it was not to bad but this morn. it was NE and we were damm cold!

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 03-29-2004, 07:51 Post: 81465

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 The curse The greatlakes

I've lived in Michigan my entire life. I diagnose an acute case of type G-L Spring Fever. By the time you get over it, the leaves will be turning orange. You will them be coming down with a case of Cabin Fever.

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 03-29-2004, 16:28 Post: 81492

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 The curse The greatlakes

I have lived next to some of the great lakes and I can say it is like the north west rain forest, location, location location.
We lived below the Niagara escartment in Ontario, next to the lake. You can not say it did not get hot. Even the beach provided no relief. They don't grow peaches there for nothing. The Falls and the lake provide about as much humidity as you can handle. Very little snow. Seventy miles down the lake you get lake effect snow and a breaze in the summer. No real need for air conditioning. Driving along the 401 with the windows down you could feel the heat drop as you moved out along the lake.
Go to Buffalo or Watertown NY, Sault St Marie, Wawa or the Bruce Penninsula and talk lack snow, you are likely to be accosted.

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 04-01-2004, 22:24 Post: 81832

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 The curse The greatlakes

Yep at 4pm today it 52deg. at our "inland town"
39 at mine<<< What "spring" not here?????

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 06-07-2004, 20:10 Post: 87976
Cheese/Crackers to go with the Wine?
2004-06-07 00:00:00
Post: 87976
 The curse The greatlakes

Bright side, sell that expensive Great lakes property and buy a home on the Tennessee River/Dam system. You could live like a King for what you pay in taxes now. $180 to $200,000 would buy a nice lake home in Spring City, Tn.
Watts Bar Dam area. No state income tax. Low property tax
about $1000 yr. on $200,000 home.

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 06-12-2004, 17:24 Post: 88374

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 The curse The greatlakes

You must be from the "elite" class? Cheese/crackers???

HA!!!! Real men here in the upper manly states drink BEER and eat Brats! Cheese /crackers! AND WINE!!! Thats for women and less than adequate men!

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 07-24-2004, 22:13 Post: 91834

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 The curse The greatlakes

A beachfront lot right on Lake Michigan goes for $500,000. People here pay for punishment.

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 07-25-2004, 08:33 Post: 91850

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 The curse The greatlakes

"the Curse" is a major part of the biggest industry in Michigan. Tourism is the largest piece of the economic machine in Michigan, not automobiles. Michigan has more coastline than the East Coast of the US, which adds up to big $'s for the states economy.

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 07-31-2004, 08:51 Post: 92364

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 The curse The greatlakes

HEY...send some of that cold air down here......I will take all of it I can get.....It feels like 100 in the sun, with humidity around 80 %

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 08-14-2004, 13:41 Post: 93523

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 The curse The greatlakes

Laughing out loud I work with a guy who is on that lake everyday possible, we go back and forth all the time. Everyone has there own love not knocking any who love it or even want to live on it. Lets be realistic though, unless (In Wi.) we have a west wind and one that is about 15mph the temp. right on the lake shore will be just above the water temp. Most of the time I cant stand HOT weather and I love COLD weather. Not inbetween weather (so the Lake is more like a Demacrat) Inbetween trying to make everyone happy and not really exceeding in making anyone happy Laughing out loud Sorry had to say that!
Anyway, I need to drive way out of my way to get anywhere near Mich. It never really gets cold enough to get good snows on a consistent basis(I live rea1 close to it) If you like hot weather where I live it can ruin your planned day in about 90 seconds when the wind shifts.
Yes it brings money in to our area, provides us with water, recreation for some and a few other things. I dont care!!!!! This is angry and useless here I hate it!!!! I dont use it that much, I dont care about anyone that does, I care about me!!!!!! under 5 years and I will be moving away from it!!!! All the humidity that goes with it and that wet cold that drives right thru you in the winter even when its only 0 deg. outside which is not that cold but here it gets right to your bones.

Just wait till that ferrry that they just started malfunctions over the curse in a storm!!!!

OK I am done for the day!!! I just came from western kenosha county and its like 75 deg. there, I get home and its 62.

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