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How Would They Vote
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How Would They Vote
I think THEY would vote REPUBLICAN. THEY let religion and Power rule their lives. 
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How Would They Vote
Seems to me that Osama bin Laden is dead set (pun intended) Dubya. All the more reason to cast your vote for Dubya unless you intend to cast your vote with Osama.
Setting this aside, John Kerry was dishonorably or other than honorably discharged from the Navy. Doesn't that give you cause to perhaps consider carefully your vote for Commander In Chief.
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How Would They Vote
Setting this aside, John Kerry was dishonorably or other than honorably discharged from the Navy. Doesn't that give you cause to perhaps consider carefully your vote for Commander In Chief.
Now now chief. You're going to garner the ire of the bush haters. Even if you could convince them to look at the evidence, they would simply retort that bush is a draft dodger because he enlisted in the guard.
Bush has run a terrible campaign. He has not understood that the media and the left have conspired against him from the beginning..He has been too slow in responding to attacks, and tried to take the high road for way too long. So now, he must fight for his political life against the 15% advantage that Kerry was given by the media. The DNC handed bush an opponent that should have been easy to defeat. But Bush and co, did not fully seize the opportunity.
We supporters have fought the good fight, and can now only hope and pray that america makes the right choice. I still think that the electorate is leaning Bush, but it's close enough to be anyones game, and close enough to likely make things extremely nasty afterwards.
I'm pretty tired of this election, and glad that it will soon be over. If Bush wins and it is close, there will be hell to pay from the bitter left. And in 2008 when hillary runs, it will make this election look like a picnic.
UBL is terrified of GW, and has threatened to attack those states that vote bush. In reality, UBL is likely too busy running to attack anything. Hopefully america ignores his threats, and and only uses his attempts at influencing the election to remind themselves of what is at stake.
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How Would They Vote
Just in case anyone had some questions about Kerry\'s Undesirable Discharge Under Dishonorable Conditions; here is a little informative reading.
I tried posting the link below 3 times but the post disappears. Here is the link in text below.
The title is:
Kerry's Discharge Is Questioned by an Ex-JAG Officer
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How Would They Vote
Here is the link
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How Would They Vote
The questions about his discharge have been going on for more than twenty years. He was issued an honorable discharge after his original discharge was reviewed more than 8 years after his original. The 'only' time a discharge is reviewed is when the recipient is applying to have a less than honorable discharge changed to an honorable discharge. His medals were reissued at that time as well. The only time medals are reissued is when they had previously been taken away thorugh disciplinary action. He had also been stripped of his security clearances and had to have those reissued.
His records on these matters are unavailable because he wont sign the same forms he and the DNC hounded the president into signing so that 'all' his records can be released for public access. Many of his performance reviews are also unavailable. The ones that are, are average at best, and show that Kerry was not qualified to recieve a command. A swift boat is the biggest vessel the navy would let him command. He had gone as far in the navy as he would ever be allowed to go within months of his enlistment.
This is what I mean about Bush not running a smart campaign. He had an opponent that was a scandal treasure chest waiting to happen, but chose to take the high road. But sometimes when you're in a pit of vipers, you have to act like a viper. Every time he did go on the attack, it was always a day late and a dollar short.
Bush is a good, smart, principaled and honest man. But politics is a dirty, dirty business and not for the faint of heart. If he wins it will be a miracle, as there has never been a president that has been assailed by the media the way this man has during this campaign.
The world hates an honest man. An honest man exposes corrupt leaders just by being who he is.
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