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 06-11-2004, 10:01 Post: 88314

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 ford versus chevy

You can get the F-150 Heritage with the 5-speed manual/overdrive. I believe that is the older body style that is running concurrent with the new F-150 model. The F-250 also comes with a 6-speed manual/overdrive.

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 06-11-2004, 10:41 Post: 88316

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 ford versus chevy

Maybe the 3/4 ton is the way to go anyway. I should have a heavier truck for towing the weights I tend to tow lately. I would have liked a diesel but they're just too pricey for my wallet. So Sad

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 06-15-2004, 17:58 Post: 88614

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 ford versus chevy

BUT the savings on fuel and maintenance will make up for the difference in price over the long haul.
Plus the average Cummins engine runs 400,000 miles before overhaul, take care of it and it will run a really ong time. Spend the extra money now and you will be glad you did. It will tow much better than any gasser.

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 06-16-2004, 17:58 Post: 88703

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 ford versus chevy

I,ve owned 2 trucks both Ford, in my long 37 year life, and both were bought used at that. I never had any problems with ether other than regular maintainance and an starter or alt. now and then.
When I went to buy a new truck in October 2003 I had every intention to buy a Ford diesel . The dealer had a Ford, a Dodge (Wow was it loud), and a Chevy (all used) he started them all up and after hearing how quiet the Chevy was I took her for a spin. Wow, I haven't looked back. I get between 15.5-19 mi. to the gallon. It's a 2001 2500HD with the Allison Tranny. I have added a Edge juice w/attitude. I love the power, I love the way it rides, I just love the truck. I have taken quite the razzing from friends and family for buying a Chevy. I don't care though it's love.
Just my .10 cent worth. (oops you said 10 words not .10 cents) Wink yeah right

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 06-27-2004, 18:41 Post: 89450

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 ford versus chevy

I own a Ford 1-ton Dually supercab with the 7.3 diesel and it has power to spare. I've always been a chevy truck man but I'll probably never go back. The new Powerstroke 6.0 has has problems, but word is Ford is going back to the 7.3

If you want a diesel buy a Ford, if you want a gas burner go Chevy.

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 07-06-2004, 16:45 Post: 90228
2004-07-06 00:00:00
Post: 90228
 ford versus chevy

I have owned three ford trucks all of them 350 with the diesel and all manual transmissons My 92' has 450,000 miles. truck looks like hell but it still runs and has had 9000lbs. sitting on the rear axle befor.the other truck is tapping out at 200,000 miles its a 99 stroker, the latest is a 2004 with 80000 miles and is amazing i drove a new chevy and if they dont change motors they wont be able to compete

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 07-08-2004, 16:50 Post: 90361

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 ford versus chevy

Having lived in Africa most of my life I can tell you that there are 4 trucks that have survived test of time there. In Africa a test of time includes running the motor to at least 250 000mi (400 000 km) and never needing all sorts of fancy parts for repairs that you cant find at all dealers. Definately no heated leather seats. All have to be hard working and value for money, some would be considered small frame here (in the US) except they all are rated to 1 metric tonne (2200lb) capacity. They are: 1) Toyota hilux (like 4 runner) and 2) Toyota landcruiser - looks nothing like the land cruiser sold here 3)Isuzu KB series - dont know of local equivalent 4)Landrover. What is amazing is the American big 3 dont even feature? Thats my 0.02.

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 10-25-2004, 16:01 Post: 99249

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 ford versus chevy

Murf said
"This flurry of imports is allegedly the reason GM is bringing so many 'concept' vehicles to production in order to protect sales numbers. They are rumoured to be negotiating with Volvo's heavy truck division to bring in some mid-sized vehicles to stay competitive. After the problems they had with the Isuzu trucks I doubt it will happen."

Isnt Volvo owned by Ford?

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 10-25-2004, 16:33 Post: 99251

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 ford versus chevy

When I first shopped for a pickup, I gave all three a chance, equally and unbiased. I looked at Ford, pricing was OK, interiors looked nice, engines had the most torque. Looked at Chevy, body styles were ok, interiors looked cheap and boxy, fabric looked cheap as well, Engines had the most horsepower(fine for a sportscar, trucks need torque), pricing on par with Ford. Looked at Dodge, Pricing was too much, walked away. I wound up getting a Ford because the Dealer I went to gave me a good deal. The truck never needed any work done on it for the 36000 miles I had it, found a great deal on an F350 Dually and traded up, only reason I dont have the F150 anymore.

If you are looking for a towing Rig, Ford has the most torque and as of 2003 Ford has out towed the others up a grade. If you are looking to haul a load, stay away from a Dodge, they cant handle weight. I went to Home Depot one time to get 44 sheets of 1/2" drywall, and when the guy loaded my truck, he said he would not even attempt to load that much into a dodge. He had a customer with a 2500 that he loaded a pallet of shingles on it, and the front wheels came off the ground, and the rear bumper kissed the ground. Now isnt the 2500 a size up from the F150? I have heard similiar stories regarding dodge not being able to handle the weight that the Fords can. Dont know how the Chevy can hold up to it, but I am sure it is better than the dodge. Too bad Ford cant put a cummins in the Superduty, then it would be one Hell of a truck!

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 02-07-2005, 11:27 Post: 105641

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 ford versus chevy

I thought it was





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