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Log Splitter Injury
Hi Guys,
I was splitting wood over the weekend and I had a log that did not have a smooth cut on one end. It had a kerf that was just big enough for my thumb to slide under it as I was steadying the log for splitting. Well I pulled the lever and the hammer came down and compressed that kerf, crushing my thumb with 32 tons of force.
Got me just missing the knuckle, broke the bone from the knuckle to the tip. Partially amputated the end of finger at a spot halfway between the fingernail and the knuckle. It was just dangling there.
This happened so fast, I have split many cords of wood, and it just takes one slip to have severe ramifications.
This is one painful injury, be careful out there!
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Log Splitter Injury
Sorry to hear of your accident and injury. Were they able to reattach it or was the bone to fractured?
Bad things happen so fast!
Look at the positive side, you didn't lose an entire finger, hand or arm!!!!
Hope the healing process is quick.
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Log Splitter Injury
Man I am sorry! Made my teeth hurt to read this. Dennis, was it your hand you write with? Hope not. I hope you do have a good recovery.
This past Saturday I was cutting trees off of piles of dirt left from digging a pond and in my mind was the broken leg from a tree that lodged posted here(Sorry I am not 100% sure who now). I had I think three trees that lodged and as I worked on each one his story kept me alert. kt
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Log Splitter Injury
Yes I am all sewn up!
Well the finger nail popped completely off from the crushing, but has been sewn back in place as a placeholder to protect the nail bed and hopefully the nail will regrow. But that is going to take a long long time.
The wire (looks more like a small diameter stainless steel drill) was drilled through the bone fragment and the wire is still sticking out the end of my finger but twisted so that it won't poke anyone 
If all goes well I will be dressing this wound for about 4 weeks.
I almost never take pain killers, but this is the exception, after all the anesthetics wore off, which took well over 14 hours, this really hurts.
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Log Splitter Injury
As Kenneth said, it made me hurt just thinking about it!!!
I've done plenty of stupid things over the years, so I know all about that dull throbbing you must be dealing with.
At least I'm not the only one who types with just 3 fingers now. 
Hope everything goes well with the recovery Dennis, maybe the company will give you a couple of months off to rehabilitate..... 
Best of luck.
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Log Splitter Injury
I chopped off the fingertip of the left index finger about 15 years ago. I dropped a dental x-ray arm and tried to catch it. The x-ray arm landed on the edge of a counter-top, and the tip of my finger popped off and flew 12 feet across the room.
I picked up my fingertip, wrapped it in a paper towel, and then put it in my shirt pocket. About two hours later, when I was finished with the dismantling job, I showed up at the office and told my boss what happened. They took me to the doctor, and he reattached it.
Two weeks later, while loading tents for the Army, I took my glove off and discovered that my fingertip was still in the glove. So much for that.
The nail eventually grew back, but that danged finger hurt for about 10 years afterward.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Though painful, it won't slow you down much. Those things that don't kill you, only make you tougher. hehehe.
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Log Splitter Injury
Youch! Sorry to hear about your injury, Dennis. Glad it wasn't worse than it was. It shows that even those who are aware of safety can become tired and less aware and is always a good reminder for those who still have all our digits 
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Log Splitter Injury
Geeeee Whizzzzzz Dennis! Glad to hear it not worse. Hope it heals as well as my leg is. I could feel your pain. Been there. I am just weaning off pain killers. I'm still non weight bearing. I touch or twist just so and can bring tears to eyes. WHAT EVER YOU DO BE CAREFUL ABOUT BUMPING IT!
Good luck with the recovery. Be glad not any worse.
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Log Splitter Injury
Harvey, mine is nothing compared to what happened to you. I was definitely glad that it had not been a quarter inch more than the 3/4 inch that it was, so that the knuckle was not demolished!
I was asked often if I was wearing a glove, as if that was a help. At least the glove gave the crushing some limits ?
The pix is my thumb with the wire drilled into the bone 
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Log Splitter Injury
Sorry to hear of your injury Dennis. I just today visited a friend who is laid up with a broken ankle from falling off of or over something at his his sawmill. I'm still on a walker from a broken pelvis 18 months ago. Mine turned out to be more complicated than just a broken pelvis, but things have improved a lot lately thanks to the folks at the Mayo Clinic. I guess we all take our turn, mine could have been prevented by just being more carfull too, BUT.
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