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Burnt up stihl 290 chain saw 4 months old
I went with a Stihl O-66 back in 1993 after a really bad ice storm. I still have that same saw and it runs just like the day I bought it. Mind you I run the gas mix at about 40:1 for the extra oil and lubrication.
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Burnt up stihl 290 chain saw 4 months old
Willie, that is about the same time I bought mine that failed in a short time. The person who did the repair work told me it looked like it could have had trash in the cylinder (which would have had to happened before assembly). If he has not reached out to Stihl go to their web site and do so.
Being run with no oil was not an excuse they could use on mine for it had been to the dealership so often they saw about every tank of fuel.
As to the price of parts, Joel (as he has done for others) went to the effort to find the parts I needed on ebay and email me the link at about 35% of the price with Stihl. No chocolates though.
This has been another Tractorpoint success for me! KT
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Burnt up stihl 290 chain saw 4 months old
KT ~
Perhaps there was a modification in production practice, bad materials, whatever at that time...certainly seems interesting that there were many of whom experienced similar problems AND results.
I have four units to date. Two are 028 AV Supers, MS290, 024. The 028's have an 18" and 20" bar on them, with chisel tooth cut, and bought them new in 1984 ! They may be heavier, but by golly they run great still ! I don't believe I will get the service from the MS290 as the 028's but we'll see.
I'll send you some chocolates! 
Willie H.
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Burnt up stihl 290 chain saw 4 months old
I've had good luck with my MS270 execpt for the epa problems--won't do as much as my big echo or husky but a nice little saw--I've learnt on this thread to shake the gas before using and not let ANYONE borrow it no matter how good a friend they are
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Burnt up stihl 290 chain saw 4 months old
Shacking gas mixture is a must before fueling and I would say so is the tool if possible when it has sat.
Willie, the chocolates were very good, but please no more, got to loss some weight. One thing I heard from all three shops were due to epa regs no two cycle will last like they did. Having to run too lean a fuel ratio.
Did pull out the replacement saw a couple of weeks ago to clear some storm trash and it was nice to use. Seem as if God thinks now have that saw need to use it. Clean up from one small storm and there is another to put down more trees.
Auerbach, wish you were near enouogh for fire wood. kt
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