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 12-09-2004, 11:27 Post: 101956

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Age 9 I think is a little young for a 22 yet. I would get him a nice pump air rifle. With the pump as opposed to the CO2, it will teach that each shot is important as you don't just pull the trigger. You have to pump it up for the shot. When my dad took us out with the BB guns, we were only allowed like 4 pumps at first and as we showed responsibility we got to increase until we got to 10 pumps which would shatter a bottle and kill a rabbit.
I got my 22 when I was about 13. I got the Marlin 18 shot but again was only allowed to put one bullet in at a time until responsibility was shown.
I let my 8 year old daughter shoot my 22 Beretta pistol and the 22 rifle and she took care with it but I think she would be more satisfied with a BB gun to start off with.

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 12-09-2004, 12:04 Post: 101958

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

When I first started reading, I was all on the .22 rifle for the first gun. But after some thought, I'd go with the pellet gun/air rifle. A lot depends on how you raised you rkid up to this point. Not tryig to bash you, but I don't know you and you may not know your kid well enough to trust him with a high powered weapon.

The air rifle gives you the opportunity to see how mature the kid is in handling the responsibility of a weapon. It also gives you the chance to work with him on safe handling, etc. I'd also lock up the weapon when not in use to keep his friends away from it. I like the idea of a pump air rifle so you are't constantly shelling out money for CO2 cartriges.

Get a good one. My friend's son is utterly deadly with his air rifle. If it's smaller than a dog and within 40 yards of the kid, it's dead. Decent ones can be accurate, reasonably.

After a few years and when you get comfortable with how he handles himself with the air rifle, then you can upgrade. My first gun was a 12 ga pump shotgun at age 12. I still use it today. But I learned on a .22 while supervised. My brother and I were probably a tad immature for the .22 at age 8 or 9 when I look back on it.

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 12-09-2004, 12:28 Post: 101966

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Not giving advice here but when I was nine years old I recieved a Savage Model 24 22/410 Over and Under for my birthday still one of my prized possessions after some 56 years!!

Give a boy a quality firearm , work with them and they will respect all things more!!

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 12-09-2004, 12:38 Post: 101968

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

All are great suggestions...after some thought and reading some posts here, I think the BB gun is too much of a toy...I don't want my kids to ever think of a gun as a toy, and do not let them play with "toy" guns now. I have a Sheridan air rifle, and will probably get him to start using that, and wait another year for the .22. The hunter safety courses in PA are only offered to youth at least 11 years old. Depending on his size, in a year or two I might look at Remington youth shotgun...the action is the same as the regular model, only the stock is cut down, and can be retrofitted later. I'm sure someone makes a similar .22. Thanks again for all the feedback, and (politically incorrect?, too bad) Merry Christmas to all.

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 12-10-2004, 06:18 Post: 102024

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Look at the Chipmunk 22. It's a great little 22, made for kids. Marlin also makes a youth model single shot 22

In the link below, the Chipmunk is the third one down.

Link:   Chipmunk 

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 12-10-2004, 06:52 Post: 102028

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Blueman, for what its worth, I agree with your decision, and who cares about politically correct or not. This is a term coined by later generations who are unwilling to take responsiblity for their actions.

I have a granddaughter on the way. Maybe in a few years I can teach her how to shoot and hunt. Dave

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 12-10-2004, 07:11 Post: 102030

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Dave, I hope that NH has some hours on it...it is way too clean! My dad has a 64 roadster (all original except the paint), and a 79 coupe. I'll have to wait a few years for my kids to be done with school till my wife and I can drive around in my (dream) split window. And, once again, Merry Christmas!

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 12-10-2004, 12:12 Post: 102052

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

I think you've made a good choice. Everyone matures differently. I'll start my kid on the air rifle and then the .22 followed by a shotgun of some sort. Course, I have to wait for the kid to be born. But he/it is on order...

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 12-11-2004, 06:25 Post: 102083

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Blueman, I can relate somewhat to your situation. My dad is not a gun guy or hunter and my Daisy 880 pellet/BB gun was the first gun of any kind in our house. I was probably 12 or 13 then. It was a fairly powerful air gun and quite accurate with pellets (not so with BBs). When safe gun handling and proficiency was learned, I moved up to a 22. (My first 22 belonged to my great-grandpa, a Remington Model 4 rolling block single shot. I still enjoy that old gun!) My own biased opinion is to start a youngster out with a decent air rifle (capable of shooting pellets) and move up when you feel the time is right.

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 12-12-2004, 20:39 Post: 102146

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 Youth Christmas Gift Gun

Bass pro shops sell a single shot YOUTH model .22 I have it in the gun safe. It is a Marlin model 15yn micro-groove barrel cal. 22 s,l&l.r. The most awesome gun for a 9 year old you could ever imagine. It is as light as a red rider and probably smaller or the same size. Its a single shot bolt action. $122.00.
Now for my reasons. I have 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. All have been thru hunter ed and all were shooting before 9 this .22. Reaso being? Your kid can kill someone before he turns 11 with or with out one of "your" guns.
Keep it locked up. Take your kid out and start teaching him what a gun can do. Take a melon and shoot it with your shotgun and have him watch. Shoot a Gallon jug of water and have him watch. I feel it is your responsibility to teach your kid SAFETY. The class is something that is a requirement and will teach a few things you dont. The father/mother needs to teach safety and not tell em, "just because I said so" Show him why.
Now for the reasons for the .22. First of all He will NEVER shoot with out you there anyway. Whether it be a BB gun or a 30.06. Until he is 13 (in my state anyway) he must be accompanied by me! Remember he will NEVER shoot any gun unless your there so why NOT it be a real gun. Those BB guns are asking for trouble and dont kid yourself, a PELLET gun is no different than a .22 at close range. (Remember rule number 1? He will never shoot it with out you there)
2. Since rule number 1 is always enforced and this gun is a SINGLE shot, and you will ALWAYS be right behind him close enough to handle the gun yourself. He will be handed the loaded gun at first (while sitting at a bench rest with a target infront of him) NOTHING will ever go wrong) It is you and him and no one else just shooting. You will always be in control of the loaded weapon untill he aims, takes the safety off and squeezes. Get him the .22!
A short story.
My kid was a great shot at 12. He had a bolt action ruger .44 mag rifle. We were in a very large tree stand 15' up together (8'X8'X15'tall)Laughing out loud. Anyway he had a 4 point walk with in 50 yards I had him in the right spot (so I thought) As he walked I told him to take him out before he gets into the thick-it. When the buck stopped about 10 feet away from the thick stuff, I thought he had the perfect shot and could not imagine why he was waiting? I whispered, TAKE HIM NOW! He squeezed a shot and the buck froze Laughing out loud Then ran directly towards us! He stopped right under the stand and I whispered AGAIN put anouther shell in! Laughing out loud With the shell hitting the tree stand he took off running and within 20 steps the buck rolled right after the second shot!.. I could not believe he missed the first shot. I asked him what happened? We walked to where he stood and I did not realize he had to shoot between 2 trees about 8 inches apart. You bet he hit the tree cause of the angle! MY fault. Anyway the next day we were going to take a doe. I told him the next deer that comes around to shoot and I was not going to help at all. about 4pm a doe walked in to the shooting lane on the trail and the kid started shaking! I mean uncontrollably to the point where I had to take the gun from him. I talked to him calmly, told him, " she dont know we are here, take your time and breath" MAN I thought he was going to have a heart attack. I took the gun from him again. Now she was walking into a perfect setting for a great shot. Broadside and 35 yards. I set the gun back in his hands and had him aim. I was holding the darn end of the stock to steady it! I told him that when he had her in the crosshairs and he had his spot lined up to squeeze. She fell also.
You need to be there all the time. The next year the kid shot anouther buck and there was NO shaking. Since then he has done just fine and I never sat with him again since he was 13. (Except one time 2 years agao just for comorodery) Now he is busting my balls in deer camp about who is the better shot. I shut him up this last Nov! Laughing out loud.
My daughters all shoot and one hunted but since then has decided its not lady like (which is ok).
Teach all your kids young how to handle a gun and how not to. Teach them they can never touch it with out you there. Most important, take them out shooting EVERY time they want to and they will never need to touch that gun when your not there cause they will always know you will go with them any time. Last thing IMHO Beat their ass if any rule is ever broke (Laughing out loud just kidding) But it better be more servere than anything they ever dreamed of including taking their door off the hinges (THAT IS A KILLER FOR PUBERTY BOYS AND ANY AGE GIRLS. I only had to do it once for one of my daughters. After the month ebeded and she got it back, She was a changed girl!!!! for good.
Good luck and dont let him shoot your eye out with that BB gun!

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