Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Beagle, I think I'll take you up on that! Merry xmas to all! As much as the faces of many are unknown it seems you all are so close.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
I agree with your thoughts on those at TP. Makes me think a little of family. Might not agree, might not understand, might even be rude at times, but still have to appreciate each for caring and keep visiting.
I think it was Iowafun who said he would miss his tractor, my 2 year old grandson is my reason to spend at least some time Christmas Eve on mine, with him. Ain't God Good!
Merry Christmas.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Merry Christmas to all. God bless you all and have a safe and Happy New Year.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Happy Ho idays!
Best wishes during this Christmas season.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
As a newby here I would like to wish one and all a Merry Christmas. With all the experiences of everyone and the diverse ideas it is indead like a large family here. May we all have a healthy happy holiday.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Merry Christmas All! May you holiday be filled with festivity & joy!
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Merry Xmas to the entire TP family! I have been running this site for a long time now, going into our 8th year. I guess it has been so long that my wife no longer asks me what I'm doing on my computer.
Anyway, I wish all of you and yours the best that there can be, have a great feast with your families, and may we get some snow to play in, er um to show our spouse how handy we can be with our toys, er um tools!
May Santa be good to all of you!
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Thank you for TP.
I finally realized something in reading your comments. It finally made sense what all the people in snow county do with their fel, play with the snow. Guess it helps build really big snow men and snow women.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
A Happy and Blessed Christmas to all the Guys and Gals of TractorPoint.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Merry Christmas to everyone on Tractorpoint! Thanks to all all people supporting our freedom and way of life.
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