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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
This is a time that we remember the birth of Christ. As the immortal son of God he chose to come to earth and take the form of a helpless infant.
Many of us are independent people. Most of us would not want to be an invalid. We would consider the greatest torture to be incapacitated and bed ridden. We do not look forward to gumming our food and being fed from a spoon. I was reminded of this mortal fact last Christmas as I fed my dying father and he stuggled to remain as independent as possible.
Please consider the fact that the second most powerful entity in the universe decided to come to earth, to be fed by a spoon, and be totally reliant on His earthly mother and father. He lived the life of a human and died the death of a criminal. He chose to do this for you, even though He could have called upon a legion of angels at anytime to take him out of it. He chose to be the perfect lamb, the perfect sacrifice to atone for your sin. What are you willing to do for Him this Christmas?
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
amen! and well said Eric.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Yes. Well done.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Absolutely! Very well said.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
It is amazing to me as I get older how time both seems to fly by, and at the same time stand still.
Now, more than a decade later, my thoughts are the same, I truly wish each and every one of you a very happy and safe Christmas with family friends and may you be blessed with a prosperous New Year.
Dennis, to you, a VERY special thanks for providing us this forum for sharing knowledge and friendship.
May God bless each of you.
Best of luck.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Don't think I could have put it better myself Murf! May I second and pass along the same wishes and thoughts to you and everyone else! Thanks Dennis!
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
It seems like only a blink ago that I built this forum in 1998....Winters seem to come and go so fast now that it is hard to dread them enough to head to warmer climates 
1998 was the early days of the internet... and for some I think it was a peak time for Baby Boomers to buy properties that fulfilled a dream and that required the purchase of Compact Tractors.
Murf you probably remember many of the prolific posters like Roger Loving from the early days of the CTB (Compact Tractor Forum) now Tractorpoint. There have been so many members that have shared their expertise over the years and especially you Murf and the many others like Art White, Ken Schumm, TomG, Ken Thompson, DRankin, Chief, Earthwrks, Hardwood, Peters, Auerbach, Candoarms, Greg_g , Harvey, Oneace , Yooperpete, Beagle, Cutter, Brokenarrow, and Lsheaffer.
My very best to all visitors and members of the Tractorpoint Community. I have been truly blessed to have gotten to know you at Tractorpoint.
A very Merry Christmas to you and your families.
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Merry Christmas to all TP Members
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year always nice to check in and see familiar names.
Glad to see everyone kicking. Enjoy.
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