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The Cat Copper Pipe and Tabasco Sauce
That is another cat story I'll save for later. Fan belt pully.
I told a untrue story(fairy tale)about the american indians a while back and you took it to heart. Just trying to clear the air and have a little fun. Everyone likes to see their name in print.
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The Cat Copper Pipe and Tabasco Sauce
I am not sure how my name ended on the top of this. I always thought you got an award in heaven for killing a cat. I am not sure where the reference is though.
Murf it was the other member of the quartet's quip that leaped to mind and his stories when I read this "You Can't Fix Stupid". Sorry SG.
My uncle retired from the Canadian Airforce after 30 years as an NCO and flight instrument tech. He did not want any more officers or people telling him what to do for a while so he took a job fixing electronic games. As he retired in Cold Lake AB he criss crossed the northern part of AB.
He had three teen age daughters at the time. The girls and his wife had a cat named Martha. On day the cat was distroying something in the house so he picks the cat up and throws it in the back of the car for a long distance repair call. A couple hundred miles from home he tosses the cat out figuring it will make its way to the nearest farm and live happily ever after.
Returning home the girls pine for this cat for a month and a half. He keeps his mouth shut. The cat just dissappeared. Then one day the cat shows up all beat up. The pads and claws on its feet worn down to the numbs. He is forced to own up to what he did. It took about ten years and the natural death of the cat before it warmed above -60 C every time he or anyone else mentioned Martha.
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