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Your Home is Your Castle
I transferred mine
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Your Home is Your Castle
SG, with all due respect, I think, IMHO, you under-rate the ability of a dog, regardless of size or breed, to change the situation.
In my own experience, I had a young punk in a canoe paddled up onto the beach at my summer place *very* early (twilight, just before the sun came up) one morning. He was quite surprised to find me standing behind a tree when he walked up the beach. I asked if he was lost, he replied he wasn't, he was just stopping to relieve himself and asked what business it was of mine. I replied that there had been some things go missing, and stated that if he wasn't near my place it would be better for him, because then nobody could accuse him. He laughed and pointed to Deputy Dog who was sitting quietly at my feet and stated that if I wanted to keep people away I should get a guard dog. I said nothing, but pulled a dog biscuit from my pocket and held it straight out in my arm, 5' up, and told Jackson to take it, without even standing he leaped straight up and snatched it. I then puicked up a stout stick and told him to latch onto it, he did, I then proceeded to try (with both hands) to shake him off it, while his feet were 2' in the air, I couldn't. When I told him to release he did, and went back to sitting at my feet.
The kid just chuckled and said something like "yeah, so what?".
I reminded him that *his* ...... private parts .... were a *lot* less than 5' up, and not going to last nearly as long as that branch in a tug of war with my dog.
That canoe was nearly thrwing a wake he paddled away so fast.
It has been proven though that my experience is not unique, burglars, etc., are wanting to get in & out without being detected, even just a toy poodle yapping is more attention than they want. They will just go look for somewhere easier.
Best of luck.
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Your Home is Your Castle
I was told years ago for the best protection you need two dogs at least. One inside and one outside. The inside one warns you...not sure who the outside one is warning.
How to protect your property has been a concern even back to Biblical Days.
You know, this is why the issue in Iraq and the illegals is so important...they either want to are invading MY HOME...it is important that we stop them.
If not, those of you in Canada will soon need to speak three languages. Maybe four when you add Southern in there. Wait, you have snow, safe on Southern.
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Your Home is Your Castle
I did not under rate dogs for security. They are a very good security deterent. But they are expensive and high maintance. I have had dogs all my life, always the little fluffy type you know part of the family. In my county there is a leash law rural or not. If your dog gets out and trespasses with intent, then he dies of lead poison simple rule. In Georgia we have the right to shoot law. This is very good deterent. Dogs come on my property all the time if they are nice and gentle they visit and leave no harm no foul. Large agressive dogs dont stand a chance, dont get a chance, if you want him keep him on your land its the law.
My point is that there are less expensive methods with low maintance and high success rates. I have a private road no fence no gate and all can guess how it is protected. So would be villians beware it is legal and effective and so far 100%. If you want to visit, friends will be welcome. Beers is cold pond is full of fish.
nothing but love.
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Your Home is Your Castle
SG, I think the point of a dog though, is that it is constantly vigilant, especially when you're not there to 'greet' unannounced (unwanted?) visitors.
Even your little fluffy companion will make a racket if someone unfamiliar comes around.
I agree with you though, to own a large dog purely as a watch-dog can be costly, and more than just in food. We here in Canada also have the right to shoot, but only in rural areas, and only to defend crops, livestock, pets or people. Not just because of trespass, although most people realize it's tough to question a dead animal. 
Best of luck.
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Your Home is Your Castle
constantly vigilant, I think that is the reason for an electronic security system. Face it any system that we may have will deter the average numnuts. A thief worth their weight already has a plan. If you are poor like me they wont even slow down at my place.
Nice to have a discussion with someone and keep it civil. You are always pleasant individual with which to correspond.
you are the smartest man I know.
See ya
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Your Home is Your Castle
Had to chuckle at the pond. It was easy to read between the lines on it...bet it is full of FISH FOOD too! . Is it safe to eat fish raised in lead infested water?
I could be wrong, you might have your private road running around the pond and let the gators doe the trick. Would work for me.
Noticed your "Ps" Poor, Protected, Pond, Private...need to drop at least one.
I was at a site a week or so ago to look at some equipment for sale. BAD DOG. Barked and growed thought he was going to eat me, my dog and pickup. Good thing he was on a chain and could not reach anything. Drove by him to barn with equipment sitting out for all to see. Now the beagles almost run me off with their yapping as they were right at the equipment.
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Your Home is Your Castle
Just a warning...if you do get a dog for security reasons...do not get a Golden Retreiver. They are too glad to see any body. Any body. Had a lady tell her house was broken into and her's show where anything of value was. Had to, only way they could have found what they did.
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Your Home is Your Castle
never trust a blond.
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Your Home is Your Castle
When I was a youngster delivering newspapers, I clearly remember this Golden Retreiver that viscously chased me for a block or two every time this dog was out.
On the other hand my lab. - if you can get past her viscous bark - and make it clear you want to play with her, the house is yours. (We at least from the dog's standpoint, as the security system will be you biggest issue.)
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