Your Home is Your Castle
Maybe just the wrong order,
My poor protected private pond
If there are no gators in the pond, we can go look for some in the swamp. No telling what you may find there or lose there. You know when some one goes missing the news never states that they were found by law enforcement in the swamp. Everywhere else but never the swamp. Do they even look in the swamp.
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Your Home is Your Castle
SG, thank you for the very kind words.
From as far back as I can remember hearing my Dads wise words, words I also heard later at Quantico.
Fighting is something the Marines are very good at, and it should never happen until after the President signs the Declaration of War. 
Civil and intelligent discussions, now that's a whoooole 'nuther matter!!!
Best of luck.
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Your Home is Your Castle
I don't keep my dogs as guards. But they make such a racket that anybody would have to be stupid or doped up to try anything. The lab sounds like a man eater despite being afraid if you look at him cross-eyed! But he makes me laugh. My mutt looks mean as she really gets her hackles up like a serious mohawk. Really freaks people out. But they are my buddies, not guard dogs.
Ya gotta love swamps for making people disappear. Italians and such have been using that method for centuries.
I do like dogs since they don't require electricity. We don't always have electricity out in the county but I do have my dogs.
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Your Home is Your Castle
SG8NUC, as a kid I always remember that my best friend insisted that there were alligators in the swamp at the bottom of the hill. It took a long time to convince him otherwise 
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Your Home is Your Castle
Rivers and cinder blocks are also useful tools for making people disappear. I have a 6'8" casket I made I keep in the attic. I built it when my daughter started dating a boy who was 6'7" - and pointed it out to him. I bring it out on halloween - it is always useful for scaring little kids.
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Your Home is Your Castle
I opt for the lead throwing defense BUt I often wondered why a Big Bad criminal who may be surrounded by three or four officers will tell em, " Cmon, I will kick all your a$$'s BUT have one mild manored officer get out of his squad with his dog and the guy just about put the cuffs on himself?
Yes, the dog is a second best defense.
(PS0 I saw a show that had a guy break in and feed the dog a steak, the watch dod was this guys best friend. (This was a set up news program type thing, pretty cool though!
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Your Home is Your Castle
My neighbor recently had the Sopranos show leave a note in his mailbox asking for permission to use his house for a show. They were going to make some changes to the place which would be paid for by the show. Unfortunately he was on vacation. The town I grew up in around here was all Italian. Everyone's name ended in a vowel. Cement shoes are second nature. Everyone gets fitted for them. PTO wood chippers were always highly regarded.
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Your Home is Your Castle
When I was growing there was always something in the swamp that would get you if you were not careful or when you went there without our parents knowing. Swamps were part of growing up with us. The stories late at night when when we were kids always involved the swaaaamp. Spider webs, moonlight, wind and dirt roads and we could see something in the swamp that looked like a ???????????. Those were good times. Simple and honest.
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Your Home is Your Castle
S&W 357
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Your Home is Your Castle
A backhoe and some real, real remote distant property is nice to have just in case.
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