What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Their are several types of breakfast ham.
-Canadian style (not made in Canada)
-Canadian Bacon (made in Canada)
-Cooked Ham slices (Made in US same size and shape as Canadian Bacon)
Perhaps some of our resident experts can clarify what makes Canadian Bacon Canadian Bacon other than being made in Canad 
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
"Canadian bacon" oddly enough, is a term really only used in the US.
Up here it's called back bacon or because the meat comes from the loin in the middle of the pigs back, rather than from the streaky / fatty slabs that come from the pigs sides or belly.
We also have a popular variation called peameal bacon because of the traditional coating (even though it's now corn meal not pea meal), which refers to a specific variety of unsmoked lean bacon that has been sweet pickle-cured.
Oh now I'm getting hungry. 
Best of luck.
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Yeah some of these names have nothing to do with where they're from. Just a name someone stuck on it and it stayed. For instance, the New York Strip and the Kansas City Strip are the same thing. Nothing but a boneless t-bone minus the tenderloin (filet mignon).
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
I just grilled some of that so called real Canadian bacon, and it tastes great! It seems to be saltier and more chewy kinda like ham jerky rather than just cooked loin ham. I guess that is the back bacon flavor Murf is talking about.
I used to buy Irish bacon, to throw in yet another name, which is sold in strips that are way leaner than regular slab bacon, but I rarely see it in the stores anymore.
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Dennis, you over-cooked it.
It is cured before you buy it, all it needs is browning in a hot pan, and just browned at that. If done properly it should not need a knife, just the edge of the fork!
If I could figure out a way to send you a refrigerated package I'd happily send you some of the real stuff to try.
Oh and some 'real' cheddar cheese too, not that imitation stuff you guys get stuck with. 
Best of luck.
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Guess I have to have my "hamburger" and "french fries" now.
Dennis, as a youngester Canadian Bacon was one of the few luxeries in my life. kt
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
You got me on that one, I have a reputation of turning boneless chicken into chicken jerky as well !
One of the things I do cook rare is steak and that I have down pretty good so it comes out medium rare.
We have this stuff called "Steak Rub" that I put on Chicken, Steak, Seafood. etc. you get the idea I put on everything I grill. A place in NJ makes it and my guests always say "my what did you put on that". To which I think maybe I over did it, but they usually want to get some of the stuff for themselves.
Hey KT did I mention I went to Stcky Fingers in Greenville SC a couple of weeks ago. Now that that is a super fine dry rub they have on excellent baby back ribs!
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Dennis, Sticky Fingers is right good. There are a ton of BBQ places in the Carolinas. Hint, the best BBQ is normally in a old run down building with real smoke somewhere near.
Let me help Murf out for you, Murf, winter is coming. You will be able to ship real easy sooner than we may wish. There is also styrofoam coolers and dry ice. But if it really is "cured" meat does it have to be kept cool? The cured hams here do not. Now they do grow a mold on it and I am serious on that and it is not harmful. Well so they say, but that is the part we feed to our Yankee visitors. Oh come on, just kidding. Not enough for the politicians! kt
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Kenny you can still enjoy that "luxerie" (is that French for luxury? hmmm)
I'm across the river from Canucks. In the winter I can see them from my roof top (not really).
Anywho, McDonald's used to call the meat on the McMuffin Canadian Bacon. Anymore it's called "ham".
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
My wife has been bringing home this thin tough canadian bacon. I asked her to look for some thicker canadian bacon from the local fresh food place. Oh man - the thicker the better but it must be tender. Anyone have any favorite brands for canadian bacon?
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