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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Most of the pizza joints here have a Canadian Bacon that must come from the same place as the McDonalds muffin plastic tasting Canadian Bacon, it tastes the same. The "Good Stuff" reminds me of the good ole brine cured smoked hams. Now I'm getting hungry, who has the chickens here, bring some eggs. Frank.
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
On Murf's saying it was being over cooked the reason it is tough, pay attention to how little cooking is suggested on ham and you will find it as he said, tender and juicy. And as Hardwood said, bring the eggs and for me, the grits! It don't get any better. kt
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Being a serious amateur chef my new gal likes to defer to me for certain things, breakfast being high on the list!
The sliced up left-over potatoes from last night go in first with a bit of onion, then as they near ready, 3 or 4 (per person) of those thick juicy slabs of 'real' bacon like Crunch likes go in, then finally some farm fresh brown jumbo-sized eggs go in to soak up the bacon drippings off the pan! A couple of slices of toast to mop up the yoke that ran away and maybe a few slices of tomato too!!
Damn, now I'm hungry again! 
Best of luck.
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Murf: Thank God for socialized medical care, eh? 'cause yer gonna need it eatin' like dat!
Or maybe a visit from Roto-Rooter to clear out 'dem veins?
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What makes Canadian bacon Canadian Bacon
Murf; Wow, you better keep your address a secret, otherwise a bunch of us freeloaders may show up for breakfast. My kind of eatin. Frank.
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