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It is my understanding MUSH (nothing to do with dogs) is made from cornmeal or fine ground corn. Have tried making it based upon a miller's direction on that and it tasted, well like MUSH. Can anyone tell me how to properly cook MUSH? kt
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Kenneth, here's the straight poop on mush.
It's a bad attempt to make corn meal (polenta actually) taste like Oatmeal.
Having had lots of both, I can tell you without hesitation, stick to oatmeal!!!
Now, why some self-respecting southern gentleman would want mush for breakfast is beyond me, but to each their own.
For me, a big slab of honey ham, a few eggs fried up right after the ham, some grits, and some fresh (hopefully still warm from the oven) biscuits and of course some red-eye gravy to dip the biscuits in and mix into the grits.
Now that's breakfast!!! 
Best of luck.
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second that Murf,
mush=yuk, have had it fried with butter slathered on, would rather have corn bread or sticks
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OK you guys, now here is the REALLY straight poop on mush. Toss in a handfull of raisins a short spoon of cinnamon, and a touch of nutmeg. Stir in a big spoon of real butter while it is still hot, pour on some real milk and enjoy. The bland old oatmeal will be left in the pan. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Frank.
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Kenny are you thinking of Cream of Wheat cereal? We used to put brown sugar, cinnamon and raisins with milk in ours.
Kenny I think I saw something like you describe in Mississippi, but it was corn meal (I think) that was boiled with lye and lime juice.
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EW; Hominy, sometimes called hominy grits is somehow soaked in lye to remove the hull of the kernel. The kernels swell up and it remains whole as it comes in a tin can at the store packed in water. You drain it fry it in butter, pretty good stuff. Frank.
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Frank, you are my kind of man. I never experienced food I didn't like. I will keep my eyes out for mush. PS. My favorite show is Anthony Zimmernon the travel channel.
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Murf, local radio host was talking about "polenta" yesterday and bragged on how great it is. He is from up the road. Yes Murf, that is a great Southern Breakfast you described.
About a month ago was in Illinois and had MUSH at Bob Evans there. I think everybody ought to have it once, probably not twice.
What gets me is how different MUSH taste from good ole grits both from ground corn. kt
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Kenny what's a "radio hose"? Is that something you put your ear up to to listen to music, er somthin'?
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Ole EW, this time it is your reading and not my typing. No I did not edit it since you read it. kt
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