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So YOU didn't edit it, eh? Huh. Musta been a mistakey-poo that I got an email notification of it
That's okay maybe someone ELSE did it for you! Perhaps A MODERATOR hmmm?
Now with the CORRECTION of "host" not "hose" it makes sense now. I can rest now. Well at least 'til yer next flub-up tehehehehe
Give Jeffy a hug...
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Hmmmmmm I try to be nice and make us all look better, so we don't have any squabbling over typos, man I can't seem to get away from more than my share of typos myself as well.
So yes I made the correction from hose to host, just so we could avoid any comments on it .
Guess I just cannot outsmart you guys
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Dennis, jis' for the record I don't mean to make anybody look bad (Kenny doesn't need help hahaha). Just keepin' Kenny honest (he likes that right Kenny---say, "Yes"
But seriously, for those that don't know, Kenny an' me are buds---I'm almost family (not HIS, of course ), so no harm no fowl--or is that foul? Kenny, which is it? DOH! What was I thinkin'!
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So KT, do you have some issue with polenta? A great food -just had some fried polenta the other day. Is that the same as mush? Ever cook up a pan of veal brains with olives and tomatos? Ummm. How about some octopus in your spaghetti sauce? Pickled lamb tongue anyone? Spam and eggs? I gotta find me a suckling pig and eat the brains and eyeballs out of the skull next year. Bring it on!!
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Cutter where were you raised?
I can say I have had the Spam and the octopus fried and steamed---a bit like rubbery little rings. Brains...um..ah, no. That was--EAT brains, not do not HAVE brains---didn't wanna leave that open for anybody
My mexican friends cook a whole lamb--head and all--wrapped in banana or some type of leaf in a pit, covered, with hot coals for half a day. They fill the stomach with the inards and make soup from it. The brains, tongue, etc. (I hope) I haven't had---I stick to the parts I think I know.
arrrggg (cough, cough) I think I'm gonna (argggh) throw up...
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EW, I assume you are referring to me - not cutter. That was not a good slip after getting on KT like that I was born of an Italian father and a WASP Mother. My Father made us eat our entire meal every night - which made me learn to tolerate most any food. My sisters knew me as the "human garbage pail" after they saw me consume a peanut butter cake that accidentally fell in the dish water.
PS: I edited the spelling of the word "octapus"
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DOH! Kenny's rubbing off me! My bad. (Kenny knows I'm jis' playing with him---we're actually phone buddys outside of TP)
Yes, I meant you, Crunch.
Had to eat everything on your plate too eh? Same here. Many a l-o-n-g night was spent at the table trying to down food we hated as kids. Which is part of my problem not being able to push my plate way from me when I'm not that hungry. No, I don't lick my plate clean but...
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DOH! Kenny's rubbing off me! My bad. (Kenny knows I'm jis' playing with him---we're actually phone buddys outside of TP)
Yes, I meant you, Crunch.
Had to eat everything on your plate too eh? Same here. Many a l-o-n-g night was spent at the table trying to down food we hated as kids. Which is part of my problem not being able to push my plate way from me when I'm not that hungry. No, I don't lick my plate clean but...
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Dennis, I appreciate your looking out for me. Honestly appreciate all the help I can get.
EW, yep. Now as to Radio Hose. it connects the radiator to radio to keep it cool. Remember when music was "cool". Still got that auto dishwasher, FIDO brand I think it was?
Crunch, if you were wanting to cut down on the Thanksgiving crowd you may have done that. Believe I will pass. Just goes to show, people's taste and what they taste varies. A BUNCH.
One thing for sure, there is no MUSH here..just good people who give great advice. kt
Thanks to EW for his spelling help.
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Just for KT and EW, check out my veal brain dinner in Pic #6.
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