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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
Hey guys--here's the deal: I frequent the local Big Boy family restaurant for breakfast nearly everyday.
Two... ahem... "gentlemen" love to sit in the middle of the dining room and run their trucking business from the breakfast table while they gorge themselves from the buffet. All the while they're using those annoying Nextels that beep or chirp after/before a call and they talk as if there's no one around. This will go on for an hour or so.
Then there's the would-be sales Rep running his business from his table in the garden room on the other side being loud and abnoxious too on his phone.
The waitstaff and manager won't or can't say anything to these "gentlemen".
So what would you do? And be honest.
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
earthworks....I would order a meal as normal, then instruct waitress if you could talk to manager during the start of your meal, to see if he could do anything about the disruption. If after he/she talks to offenders, and it is still offensive, and still disrupts your meal, i would again ask for the manager. If he says theres nothing he can do, then say sure you can.....take care my check for me!!!
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
Honestly? I wouldn't do anything in the restaurant, but I would telephone the trucking company to complain about the rudeness of their people. If that didn't work I'd eat somewhere else.
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
Order a cell phone signal jammer, put in pocket, turn on when you walk in and have a nice meal while watching them trying to figure out why they have no signal.
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
EW; Starting the day off in a bad mood seems to ruin the day for me so here is what I would do. I'm not familliar with Big Boy, but I'm assuming they are a chain. The local manager is probably afraid to cause any loss of business by asking the obnoxious people to keep it down but, but he is losing your business along with likely others who don't care for the disruption either. It sounds like you are a "Regular", so I'd eat somewhere else for a few days then go back and mention to the managere that if this keeps up you won't be a regular anymore. Frank.
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
IMHO, Frank has the right idea.
The manager is likely afraid of the loss of business, so tell them, in no uncertain terms, that if the atmosphere is not to your liking, you won't be back.
Be sure to tell them that you have noticed MANY other people in the restaurant have obviously been bothered by it to, and that they have no doubt said so. If the manager says 'no' then say something like, I guess I'm like a letter writer then, 1 of me equals 30-50 others who couldn't be bothered!!
In the interim, order me a cinnamon french toast will'ya huh? With 'real' (Canadian) bacon.....
Best of luck.
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
EW, each has given you some good advice. I was told the jammer is not legal but have no idea. Sure have seen the time I would have used one, legal or not.
This is not the problem it was here, not sure why. But it seems certain resturants have more of this than others. Guess it comes down to who patrols it. A letter to the may give them the "firm complaint" the manager wants to have a valid reason to tell people NO use in here. If you are that regular and you know others regulars ask them to complain also. Also as someone pointed out complain to the chain just in case the manager is a total whimp or deaf and letters to the paper and if you have talk radio call in and ask for suggestions if you are able to get the name of the resturant in the pubic on this it will help others complain about it. If the manager has money smarts he knows it is costing him money.
There there is one more suggestion, if you are in there alone...a headset to stop the noise. Not ear plugs but a big headset so it is obvious.
Do check and see if by chance there is any local law on this. Some places have talked about it, not sure any ever passed a law on it.
As I type this I am leaving for a meeting at Shoney's here. There is no resturant in this town I have complained to the manager on issues more. So I have learned to say, I am not paying for ...
Do remember the way you handle this could affect your business, good or bad. kt
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
All this reminds me of why I won't go to movie theatures anymore. Couple years ago the Mrs. bribed me to go to some hit movie. All during the show cell phones rang, people answered and talked for half an hour. The ushers would walk down and ask them to turn it off, a couple of them said "My phone I'll answer it if I want to". Finally the manager told them to leave, so big rumpus, rest of the crowd cheered as they walked out shouting obsenitys, lost our place in the movie. Last movie I've been to. Frank.
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
I think we have all been there before! It is up to the management and I have been to places that I won't return just like the rest of you! I do like the sounds of the cell phone jammer!
So to speak, there is one in every crowd, just get's more annoying when there is more then one. I find that many breakfast places have a lot of business other then food going on and with the cell phone making it so easy it might just get worse!
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So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant
So EW - what did you do?
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