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 08-26-2008, 19:00 Post: 156331

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

Well...I did like any other self-respecting, well-mannered, civilized person would do:
First I told the waitress to say something to them, to which she indignantly replied that "they were running their business from there (and had the right to do so. HA!)

Not being one to stand down (plus, I sized up their enormous sizes and KNEW I could outrun them should push come to...um...squash).

I gave the first guy---the sales rep with the computer an ass chewing about being so loud. He, as was expected was not embarassed, and forced out "oh, sorry", but did keep it down the rest of stay.

The two mothatruckers, the enomo-twins, I lit into them both telling them they pull this crap being loud everyday and was tired of. The bigger one wanted to know WHO I was telling them to pipe down. To which I replied "I'm a PAYING CUSTOMER"--which was their response. The shortone quietly but firmly says "KISS MY A__". I followed with "F___ YOU". The big one told shorty to knock it off, and I walked away with a gratuitous "a__holes". I went back to my seat on the other side of the place finished my breakfast, and didn't hear a word from them. As they were standing up to leave both got calls about the same time, took them out of their shirt pockets to see who it was and didn't answer either call.

My waitress avoided me as did the others. And since then the jovial tone with the waqitstaff and even the manager who wasn't there at the time has been less friendly. I have been going there earlier to avoid any hassles, but I'm sure we will cross paths soon.

Would I do it again? Yep. Maybe they'll think twice next time, eh? NOT.

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 08-26-2008, 20:32 Post: 156340

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

Good for you! I hate those situations, and coward that I am that's why I would have done it on the phone. You never know when things will escalate out of control.

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 08-27-2008, 08:57 Post: 156350

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

EW, maybe they own a share of the business thus they have the right.

If this is a good as the resturant wants you probably should find another one. Life is too short not to be able to enjoy it. Now if you want to mess with their mind (but not EW), go back and go to each one and tell them how sorry you were and out of line. You realize it was not proper to ask them to respect other humans and offer to pay for their coffee or such. Then runnnnnnn and do not run in circles either. Smile Better to get a cell phone jammer if not illegal or too costly. Most sensible thing, find a decent resturant and let all know why you changed. You are correct, they could look for a way to pay you back. Take Care my little NASCAR tractor driver. kt

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 09-03-2008, 21:47 Post: 156480

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

It sure is aggravating how rude some people are, but confrontation is dangerous, ya never know how some jerk will respond.

A couple years ago on Valentines Day I took my wife to a nice steakhouse in Ft Worth, while we were eating a couple knuckleheads came in and were seated across the way, they loudly began to trash valentine day, relationships, wives, girlfriends etc..using profanity not fit for a lockerroom, much less a public restruant.

I spoke with a manager, he asked them to keep it down, pointing me out. An hour later I left to hit the can.

As soon as I was out of sight the two morons approached my wife and gave her a hard time, she took up for herself, gave them as good as they gave her, an the two fled like the cowards they were before I returned,

Lucky for them she was not armed, I was.

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 09-04-2008, 06:46 Post: 156483

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

I understand where you're coming from--I choose my fights carefully. These two characters I was dealing with can barely walk let alone run. Smile

Update: Apparently the waitresses have told them about being on the phones too but they refused to do anything about it. I have since seen these two and they were not on their phones--not once. The several waitresses I spoke to gave me a high-five and thought it was great I stepped up to these jerks.

The manager who turns out to be an owner too avoids me like the plague. I hear he hates confrontation on any level. Too bad--lemme handle it then.

To my mind, like the jerks you encountered, they're banking on the fact that no one will say anything to them.
And you see this sort of behavior with a___holes driving like idiots--cutting you off, no signals, running stop signs.

Enough is enough

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 09-04-2008, 08:20 Post: 156486

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

I call those kinds of people democrats!

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 09-04-2008, 10:57 Post: 156488

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

YP, I understand. I have a friend from NJ who calls them "demon-crats".

EW, think it was an Clint Eastwood movie where he was treated rather rudly by motorcycle riders and as they left they ran over the whole row of them. But you are not Clint Eastwood nor in the movies. But then you are in Michigan. kt

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 09-04-2008, 12:01 Post: 156489

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

We are some tough cookies here in Michigan!

Even our fabulous Detroit mayor is so tough, he is exchanging his $2,000.00 suits for alternating orange and white horizontal stripes. He is a real big boy, so none of the inmates will be playing cho-cho with him. He definitely won't be the caboose for anybody.

I generally stay away from trouble, but if trouble knocks on the door, I greet it with enthausiasm. They usually are chicken for a real confrontation. I'm old enough to know when not to mix it up but generally use gas. Tell'em how it is, be more crude than they can imagine and rip a good fart before leaving. That is force them to leave, not you. You are then the last man standing and have won without throwing a punch!

It is always wise in a restaurant to have something in your hand during the approach like a hot cup of coffee or bottled beer. You can get clumsy and spill it on their crotch or whack'em on the nose with the cup/bottle.

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 09-04-2008, 13:42 Post: 156491

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

YP, not sure EW needs any help to egg him on here. You may need to find out the time of day and the location and serve as back up for him. Please, try to keep him off of tru tv.

Hey EW, stop at McDonald's for the coffee! Smile kt

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 09-05-2008, 19:08 Post: 156507

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

The situation you faced is a direct reflection upon today's society, rude, vulgar, obnoxious and thinking that they are somehow "empowered" by electronic devices and relate same to their own self-elevated status.

What I have done and will continue to do in these situations is to get up, go to the closest thing I can find to management and tell them we are leaving due to bla bla bla... And then I or we simply leave and go to a different place.

Then, write a letter to the owner or head office (if a chain). Generally you will receive a minimum of a phone call and usually a gift certificate for your trouble.

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