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Proper terms
I had a discussion with one of my boys the other day on the proper terms for "Engine" or "Motor". he was showing us their new Ford, kinda SUV looking automobile, I don't remember what it is called. Anyhow he said it has such and such of a "Motor", woops, I said It has an "Engine" not a "Motor'. A motor is powered by a source of energy produced somewhere else, an engine produces power by converting a fuel to energy internaly, (gasoline/ LP/ diesel, for examples) or externally as in a steam engine. This I'm sure isn't news to too many here, but at least it is a break from all those claiming to be much smarter than any of us on the TV today that will tell us who won the election before lot6s of people have a chance to vote.
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Proper terms
Frank, motor vs. engine is one of my pet peeves, and it's pretty well entrenched (along with the seemingly accepted interchangeability of loose vs. lose).
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While I agree with you the continued misuse of words when pervasive actually changes their meaning to include the intentional meaning they were misused for in the first place.
While you personally might have issues with engine and motor consider the following:
Original meaning:
Freedom = doing without, not having the need for.
Freedom is a horrifically misused word, especially by the current crop of politicians. Freedom simply means absence, without need, so the word, without an explanation of "from what", essentially means nothing. Of course it is a code word for what its over-users won't explicitly say: That to them, freedom means freedom from all systems and ideas inconsistent with their ideology and values, whether they be: The American Way and The American Dream, or The Way of Radical Islam or the Suppression of Individual Thought.
BTW there are hundreds of examples.
Food for thought
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Ann, you're right, but most citizens outsource all their thinking to "experts" so even the most nonsensical statements receive little scrutiny.
Take polar ice cap melting as an example. It was discovered that an underwater volcano is erupting under that ice cap. When asked if the volcano could have an affect on the warming temperatures the scientists said, "No", and that ended all independent thought on the topic.
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Proper terms
So Frank, small business is the "engine" that runs our country's economy now. Obama wants it to become a "motor". Correct?
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"Engine" is the preferred term in engineering (note the similarity). Its root (the Latin gignere, to produce) gives rise to many terms, from the gin (as in cotton gin) to ingenuity.
"Motor" is more colloquial, as in General Motors, Al's Motors, and the plant down the street from me, TMMC (Toyota Motors Manufacturing Company).
So it depends on whether you're writing a technical paper or asking a buddy what's under the hood.
Now don't get me started on "tractor."
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KW: I'm shocked that you feel lose and loose interchange!
Yer an engineer (or is that a motorneer).
Those two meanings and pronounciations aren't even close.
(KT likely will scratch his head when he reads this hahahaha)
Lose (pronounced "luze" as in: I can lose my my hand in a spinning PTO. Or" You can lose a loose nut if it's not tight". Also: a Loser (luzer) Someone who loses a bet.
Loose: (luse) as in: If I leave my loose shirt hanging out, I will lose it when it gets wrapped around the spinning PTO. Also: Looser (luser) My old girlfriend after a few beers.
The word Tractor originally started out as a "traction engine" as someone adapted a stationary engine with driving and steering wheels.
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EW; "Looser" AKA Obama, sure hope you will enjoy paying taxes up the wazoo now.
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Hardwood - it's a pity you felt the need to say that. Your comment is neither well thought nor helpful. It serves to incense and agitate. It's unnecessary and detracts greatly from the value of this forum. There are many sites where you could have joined in the spewing of vitriol to your hearts content. Shame on you.
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Sorry Ann, I must have struck a nerve. I've read stuff much farther from the truth about President Bush here and don't remember you complaining. Read history, Democratic President plus Democratic Congress = TAXES,TAXES,TAXES.
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