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If I may comment from Canada, the biggest specific difference I heard from the candidates was that one would stay in Iraq and the other would stop the bleeding of bodies and billions in fairly short order. On the face of it, which would need more tax dollars? The cost of that war is approaching a trillion (I repeat, a trillion) of your dollars.
Some states are wealthy and others relatively impoverished. If the fear of the Dems spreading the wealth around were realistic, how come (generally) the poorer the state, the more the support for the Republicans?
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Hardwood sorry you thought the "truth" would matter. 
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I think this thread is getting perilously close to the point where it needs to be 'adjusted'.
This is the "just for FUN" part of the board after all.
The election is history, only time will tell what influence it will have on society and the country.
Now, if I may, can we steer this thread back to the original light-hearted topic it started out on.
Thank you in advance.
Just to get us back on track, one thing I always got a kick out of was people inventing their own words and then making them sound very convincing, like they just belong there. I have a business colleague who likes to "incentivise" his employees by offering prizes for good work. Makes me giggle every time I see or hear it.
Best of luck.
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My young helper Jimmy, "inventisises" words so I call them Jimisms.
Speaking of isms as in Bushims, is it Nu-clear or Nu-cul-ar? 
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