That Darn Squirrel
Seems a(?) red squirrel has nested above my garage in the crawl space, heard it munching in the eve today. Pulled the stairs down and entered, noticed a couple of mouse traps had tripped but no mouse, so I did the low crawl until it jumped up about a foot in the air in front of me. Bet I took a couple years off it, hopefully I'll remove the rest of them tonight!
Set two heavy duty rat traps loaded with peanut butter. If the mouse traps didn't train it to stay away, should be hosta la vista tonight. Going to pick up a live trap tomorrow in case it avoids the rat trap. Sounded as though it made it between the walls when I was outside grilling the steaks, fortunately not in the house yet.
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That Darn Squirrel
Don we had red squirels bad used pounds of rat poison they keep moving in die in wall and smell.
Some one dropped off a couple (or they just showed up) junk yard cats. Those 2 cats keep red and gray away from all of the buildings. Only draw back is they do like to watch the bird feeders for a bird that not paying attention.
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That Darn Squirrel
Mothballs. They used to raise havoc in the feedroom of my barn. Until I put mothballs in the vicinity of all possible entrance points. No more tree rats in my feedroom. Keep 'coons out too. If the critters don't come in in the first place, the eventual smell problem is avoided. Unfortunately it doesn't work on mice.
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That Darn Squirrel
We already have the ferrel cats, they seem to have missed this one. I saw it outside a couple of times over the last few weeks but did not have the shotgun handy. As of nightfall, it was still moving around over the breezeway in the eve and back wall. Hope the trap works today.
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That Darn Squirrel
Cutter I had to change your subject as @$%^#^#&$ was making my programs sick Might have to fix the special character handling someday!
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That Darn Squirrel
I'd be happy to loan you the guaranteed squirrel removers.
The tree rats have two choices, leave the area fast, or leave this world fast. 
Best of luck.
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That Darn Squirrel
Thanks Dennis, the reply dialog works now.
A few years ago we had a bunch of scraping noises in the attic. I bought a couple of live traps and ended up pulling an entire family of ten squirrels out (mommy, daddy and eight little ones) and relocated them to a park ten miles away. They got in by climbing up through the gutter drains and then entered a gap under a roof overhang where three roof planes came together. I stuffed that with copper wool and haven't had any more squirrels. The animal control people say that the squirrels will chew through copper wool but it has worked so far.
now we have bats in the attic. They need to go. The wildlife control company wants $3400 to find out how they're getting in, installing one way doors so they can fly out and not return, then removing the doors, sealing the gaps and cleaning the guano and urine out of the attic. What a mess. To make matters worse the state won't let them do the work until September, when the little ones have grown up and are flying. ARGH.
I suspect they are getting in through gaps in the ridge vent since the roofing company did such a crappy job. Their name is "RoofMasters" but I call 'em "RoofBastards".
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That Darn Squirrel
What kind of state do you live in where BATS are protected? Good grief, they're just flying rodents!! Gas the little suckers and be done with it
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That Darn Squirrel
Oregon, where the only species NOT protected is taxpayers.
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That Darn Squirrel
What kind of state do you live in where BATS are protected? Good grief, they're just flying rodents!! Gas the little suckers and be done with it//greg//
Yup, I'd be 'accidentally' setting off a gopher bomb in a coffee can with a couple of inches of sand in the bottom up there in the attic.
Best of luck.
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