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That Darn Squirrel
Yup, I'd be 'accidentally' setting off a gopher bomb in a coffee can with a couple of inches of sand in the bottom up there in the attic.Best of luck.
Yeah, well, the mistake I made was in calling an exterminator. Now they have my name and address. I thought there were mice up there and boy did I get the evil eye when they saw bats stuck in glue traps intended for mice. It's nothing like the look my wife gave me when she found a dead bat in her shoe 
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That Darn Squirrel
If the last California Condor roosted in your attic and you killed it would that be OK? Not saying that this is the case but States have endangered species lists because we (taxpayers) have decided to attempt to preserve the species our forefathers could not have cared less about.
Those of you who have ever hunted deer in Indiana can thank people who reintroduced the animals after they were hunted to extinction in that state in the 30's and 40's.
To quote someone else here "I'm jis saying"
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That Darn Squirrel
Hey, I'm bat friendly. I just wish they'd move into the house I built for them five years ago. It was built with advice from the bat folks (color, height, direction, isolation from surrounding trees). I even bought a half pint of guano to spread around their house to attract them but they'd rather live in the attic.
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That Darn Squirrel
The problem is drawing the line between pests and wildlife.
As a 9th generation farmer, I have no problem with wildlife, in fact we spend a lot of money every year making things better for the wildlife in our neck of the woods, and no, not to lure them in for hunting season either.
However, an attic is not exactly prime wildlife habitat.
BTW, according to the Oregon DFW there are no endangered species of bat in the State, there are however 5 varieties of bats which are listed as a "species of concern".
A lot of places have over-reacted on the whole wildlife thing.
As an example, the law up here is that I can (live) trap wildlife that is a nuisance animal and relocate only to a maximum of 6 miles away from where it was caught. Beyond 6 miles I'm breaking the law. It's legal however to kill it. Figure that one out.
Bottom line, bats in your belfry are a serious health hazard if left there.
Best of luck.
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That Darn Squirrel
Sorry about the title issue Dennis.
What a day, was up at 0 dark 30 working and then had to get ready to head to a meeting. Checked my rat traps and no squirrel. Locked house and was walking with my planner and laptop to vehicle and the damn thing ran into the side yard. Raced back in, retrieved soon to be illegal weapon in NYS but it was out of sight when I returned.
On my way home picked up a live trap, squirrel sized. It's up in the attic now, loaded with bread and peanut butter, hope I catch it so I can conduct a scientific experiment as to how long a tree rat can hold its breath.
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That Darn Squirrel
Mothballs? Not trying to be unkind here Greg, but that is an urban legend.
I have tried it..... either every moth I catch is a female or the damn things have their balls where I can't find them.
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That Darn Squirrel
Mothballs? Not trying to be unkind here Greg, but that is an urban legend.I have tried it..... either every moth I catch is a female or the damn things have their ball where I can't find them.
I agree.
Of course Deputy Dog is still of the opinion that when he gets to heaven he will get his back. 
Best of luck.
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That Darn Squirrel
Well, hopefully this good news will last.
This past week has been the second career from hades. So much going on I had no time to devote to the rat other than to make its life miserable, so that is what I did.
During my brief stops at home between daytime training sessions and evening meetings I beat on the wall in the breezeway where the thing nested. I did this every time I walked in or out of the house. Even came face to face with it when placing the trap up in the attic.
Late in the afternoon on Wednesday after beating the drywall like a drum, I heard it squeal and scramble out of there, so I grabbed my weapon and headed to the woods where it normally exits under the woodshed. Never saw it. Came home around ten that night and beat on the wall, no rat movement. Checked traps, no rat. Waited another day while continuing my wall soundings but no movement detected.
Made a trip into the attic late Thursday and found nothing. At that point, I plugged the hole in the soffit inside the woodshed where it made entry.
Just returned from our fire company fundraiser, no rat in sight. Guess I made its life a bit to miserable, imagine that 
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That Darn Squirrel
Don do you suspose that would work on some of the lifer welfare rodents around here?
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That Darn Squirrel
We will never know, the guberment will ensure those votes are there for them and not allow "work" to come between the rodents and a free meal.
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