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Turkey Vulture Nuisance
Hardwood, are you serious on the walker?
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Turkey Vulture Nuisance
Serious indeed, three years this past January.
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Turkey Vulture Nuisance
Hardwood, did not realize that on the walker. Not trying to be nosey but you are still able to operate tractor and such is my impression. Do you move the walker to the tractor ater getting on just in case? Do you keep a cell phone or radio with you just in case? Do you to carry a gun for the eagles?
In one way the walker is bad news but some of us it gives us hope we will still be able to operate our machines when we face such.
Take care and God Bless you my TP friend, KT
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Turkey Vulture Nuisance
Yes, I have a place on the loader frame that I carry my walker on the trator. The lawn mower has no place to carry one and I did get stranded this summer when the mower quit on me. The Mrs. was shopping with the grand daughters that afternoon and she had instructed me before she left to NOT do any mowing, but you know how that goes. I do carry a cell phone and called the Deere dealer who had a service person there within an hour to fix the mower, in the meantime I just sat there and waited. I still work in the woodshop building furniture and have two gardens that I tend on my hands and knees. My problem orignated with a fall on the ice breaking my pelvis and have never regained the full use of my legs. I've been to the Mayo Clinic several times and they haven't figured it out either why my legs won't work so it is just a nuscance, not really a handicap in my mind. Long as I can still do something I'm not going to go to the rocking cahir, too many people die sitting in them.
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Turkey Vulture Nuisance
Understand why you brag on your dealership! Be careful.
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