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old gas gator stops when hot
We have an old 4x2 gas gator. For a couple of days, when it would get hot 10-15 minutes, engine dies and will not start. I replaced the fuel filter, changed the spark plug, changed the oil . Didn't help. I sprayed carb cleaner into the carburetor to see if it would start with that, and it didn't, so I figure this rules out a fuel problem.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Arnold
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old gas gator stops when hot
I'm confused, is it now not starting at all? Or is it still not starting when hot? If you're getting a healthy spark maybe it's time to rebuild the carburetor. I had a chipper die and not restart when hot and the carb float adjustment was way out of whack.
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old gas gator stops when hot
It will start after waiting a while.
Mike Arnold.
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old gas gator stops when hot
I don't know what engine is in that machine, but my approach would be first to check for a fat, healthy spark when it's hot and not starting. If no spark you probably have a failing ignition module. Do you smell a lot of gas when it's not starting? If ignition looks good I'd rebuild the carb and make sure the float is carefully adjusted.
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old gas gator stops when hot
Coils act like that when they start to go bad.
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old gas gator stops when hot
I really think it is the ignition module. My gator would run until it got hot, then die and not start back until the engine has cooled. I replaced the ignition module and no more problems. Get yourself a new ignition module, install it with the factory insulator, and create another insulator out of a thin rubber sheet, kind of like a jar opener, and install it under the facotry insulator right next on th engine case. It will help dissapate the heat from getting the new module.
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old gas gator stops when hot
Blue, you hit the nail on the head with your diagnosis, but I'm betting he figured it out since the post was from September 2005. No worry, I've done it too.........
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