John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Just picked up my new olive and black 620i XUV - sweet! Like everything else I own I have the need to make it go faster. It's pretty quick from factory but its evident this thing will go allot faster with a little help. Anyone know of a performance chip and exhaust available for the 620i and other performance parts that may be available?
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Cant help you on the speed part. I have two HPX's which do okay by me as far as speed, probably 'cause I had a 6X4 a while back which was very slow- probably 15 mph tops.
I do have a source for street tires, although I was never able to find the rims to fit on Gators. Eventually I gave up on the idea and bought new turf tires- I'll probably replace these tire once a year because my chip & seal road chews up the turfs. Maybe I'll investigate again in the spring.
2 questions for you: What is the difference between the HPX and the XUV? And, did the XUV replace the Trail Gator?
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Byagator; This past week I was visiting with a Deere dealer who had just came home form a Deere meeting that featured the new products that are coming as attachments for the XUV's. I don't remember all the things he mentioned, but dressy wheels, cabs, and lots more I can't remember now are coming. I really doubt they will offer performance items, that would crowd the line toward four wheelers. The current Gators are considerd a farm machine for insurance and liability reasons. I had an original 4X2 Gator, traded it for an HPX,then this past spring traded it for an XUV. In case byagator didn't have an HPX to campare the new one to they are as different as day and night. Everything about the new series is better, power, a bit more speed, better steering, four wheel independent suspension that is about as smooth as your pickup. Frank.
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Actually they have already started to offer their first performance parts. A new stainless steel throaty muffler that sounds terrific and increases hp by 5%. The kicker is the price $399.
Have any of you XUV owners noticed a tremendous amount of dust depositing on everything in the cab area while operating under dry conditions? I thought it was coming from the rear but after covering the rear screen with plastic it made no difference. Got any ideas?
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
bhopil; I don't have a cab, so can't help on that one
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Sorry if my post was misleading. I don't have a cab per se; but just a poly roof, full windshiled, and rear screen. And anytime the lower portion of the windhsield is closed dust deposits all over the seats, operator and instrument cluster.
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Well I got the high performance muffler, the new heavy duty brushguard and the adventure light kit installed last week and it really changed the look of my machine, not to mention the sound. I am up to 34 hours now and don't regret buying this unit at all.
FYI the alloy wheels are now an option from the factory and will be available for purchase through parts at the end of this month.
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
Well I got the high performance muffler, the new heavy duty brushguard and the adventure light kit installed last week and it really changed the look of my machine, not to mention the sound. I am up to 34 hours now and don't regret buying this unit at all.FYI the alloy wheels are now an option from the factory and will be available for purchase through parts at the end of this month.Mike
did you see any performance gains with the new exhaust?
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
did you see any performance gains with the new exhaust?
Not that I can notice. I think they only claim a 5% increase.
I did get the new alloy wheels and they look terrific.
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John Deere Gator XUV aftermarket performance parts
If you do any thing around rock and water, id get cv guards, and the skidplate. Trust me from experiance, the cv boot gets cracked, and water tears up the cv joint, and a rock can tear up that bar and parts of the motor without the skid plate.
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