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Gator TS needs power
Hey everyone, new here looking for alittle help. I have a gator ts not sure on year but is there anyway to get alittle more go out of this thing? Damn thing is handy just need some more juice. Is there a governer of some kind on these? Thanks a million everyone.
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Gator TS needs power
Yanaman; Perhaps you could be a bit more specific on the model of Gator you have, that would give us a bit more "meat" to work with. Far as I know I've owned every model Gator Deere has built except the five wheeler and the tiny "Lady's Gator", but really never heard of a TS model. Frank.
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Gator TS needs power
Hey sorry but really the only extra info I can give ya is. It's a 2005(pretty sure) 4x2 TS model. Here is the engine Specs though.
Make: Kawasaki FE290
10 HP
Sorry I can't give ya more info but I have the manual here and that is all it even says. Thanks
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Gator TS needs power
According to the Deere website they now call the "Traditional Series" the T S models, meaning they still build the 4X2 and 6X2's we have saw around for a long time. I just heard that Deere is now offereing some "Dress Up" options like alloy wheels, some fancy trim, etc. but I haven't heard of any power up options. Like most other things some shortline company will likely someday offer things that Deere won't. Frank.
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Gator TS needs power
Hey alright well it just seem like they rev like they should either thats why I am wondering if there was alittle more power there to be had. We have 10 HP motors on things and they rev alot more. Ohwell she still works for what we need it for
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Gator TS needs power
Just thinking back a bit about the 4X2 we had, It was a "Workhorse", not a "Racehorse". It worked well picking up field rocks, hauling seed, four or five small squares of hay or most anything to or from the field or around the farmyard, kinda a mobile toolbox too. They were a bit underpowered tho. Have you checked the varible speed belt and the sheaves? Sometimes the sheave on the transmission end of the belt will get sticky from dirt etc geting into the hub of the sliding half allowing the belt to slip a bit, some solvent can do wonders for that. Don't know if I'd call it a "Dress Up" item, but Deere does sell a real neat toolbox that fits across the front of the Gator cargo box simalar to a toolbox like behind the cab of your pickup. I've got one on my XVU Gator, I don't know if they fit the TS models or not, but it sure is a neat clean way to always have some out of the weather tools along. Frank.
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Gator TS needs power
Thanks I will have a look at the belt and sheaves. I guess we will probaly have to go out and get a quad for the times we have to get somewhere alittle faster.
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Gator TS needs power
The biggest issue with the TS is that the carb on the FE290 engine is nearly always set too lean to handle the California lawn equipment smog rules. If your power is lacking, ie. stumbling and no poop, from start to about a quarter throttle, you need to increase your pilot jet size. If the power is lacking from 1/4 to 3/4 throttle, then you need to increase the main nozzle size. If the power is lacking at 3/4 to full throttle then you need to increase the main jet size.
If you can find a local Kawpower dealer, they will stock the different jets needed. Because jetting is dependent on altitude and climate, I can make no size recommendations for your area.
If you go to buykawpower.com, the official Kawasaki engine distributor's site, you can follow the parts links to your engine designation. If I remember correctly, John Deere is what is referred to as a SSO or self servicing OEM. So, just select an engine in your model sequence without the SSO suffix, and you can find a good parts diagram.
Then take a look at the control systems and you will find the governor. If you move the governor spring closer to the fulcrum you can increase your available RPM's. Just keep in mind that this is an industrial engine, so do not exceed the current governor limit by much. But, a good jetting job and small tweak to the governor makes a huge difference in usable power.
Regarding your clutch. Go to a snowmobile dealer and pick up a can of Comet Clutch Lube. Then lube the sliding parts, but nothing that the belt touches, with that lube and let it dry. Use no other lube, the Comet lube is a spray molly lube that drys and is specifically made for the belt drive torque converter systems and anything with graphite or oil will create problems.
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