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AMT600 will not start
I just bought a AMT600 and cannot get it to start. I gave it a new battery. I cleaned the gas tank and replaced the filter. I replaced the spark plug. Gas is going to the carb. It's not cranking fast enough to start. Please help.
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AMT600 will not start
If you have one of those fancy hand-held laser thermometers, you'll easily be able to locate the problem.
With the new battery installed, your starter should spin over like crazy. If it's cranking real slow, you've likely got a loose connection somewhere in the starter circuit. (It could be in the starter itself.)
A loose connection acts like a huge resistor. Any resistance in an electrical circuit will generate a tremendous amount of heat. (A heating element is nothing more than a resistor.) If you have a temp gun, you should easily be able to find the "hot" spot in the electrical circuit. Actually, it may be only about 20 degrees warmer than the other connections, due to the small amount of time involved while trying to start the engine.
If you don't have a temp gun, try feeling the connections with your hand......but don't burn yourself. Any obviously hot connection is a good indication that you've got a faulty connection at that point.
Don't forget to check all connections on the ground side of the circuit, as well.
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AMT600 will not start
Could an owner of one of these here tell me which wires go where on the starter? previous owner removed the bad starter, and left them hanging. One large battery wire-red.
One wire with clip connecter (this one is obviously for the tang on the starter)
Two red wires coming from switch...both have round eyelet ends for the posts.....
Any thoughts appreciated.
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AMT600 will not start
Run a wire directly from the neg post on the battery to the mounting bolt on the regulator. In other words direct ground the regulator.
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AMT600 will not start
Sorry, I miss spoke, grounding the regulator won't help you. That will help if it doesn't turn over at all. If all your ground points are clean and tight and you have a ground wire directly on the motor, you may need to take the starter to a local shop and get it checked.
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