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Oversize Tires
I have an XUV with 25X11X12 rear tires - 25X9X12 fronts. I am interested in more footprint due to loose, shaley dirt on my fire trail. Has anyone experience with oversize tires on original rims? On aftermarket rims? I was thinking about 26X12X12 front and rear on original rims.
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Oversize Tires
Not sure on any of the numbers on our Gator but when we bought it the dealership very much suggested larger than the normal tires on it. Have no idea if the rims were the same or not as it was all changed before we got the gator. I will say sure am glad he made that recommendation. kt
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Oversize Tires
As is always the case when going up in tire size, there are drawbacks to be considered.
Larger wheels and tires will increase your ground clearance and traction. However, a larger wheel and tire will reduce your ability to haul heavy loads uphill. On flat ground, your top speed will increase, but your ability to pull a heavy load will decrease substantially.
In many cases, it is necessary to change the gearing ratios on the final drive to compensate for the larger wheel and tire sizes. You may also find that the larger tires will interfere with your fenders and/or frame, increasing your turning radius.
Check with others who have done this prior to making the purchase. It may save you a pile of trouble.
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Oversize Tires
Right at this moment the Gator is in a shed at the farm, but I'm not at the farm so I can't go out and check the tire size. I do remember that when we bought the XUV in May of 07 that the dealer did recommend an optional tire that we did buy, I have no idea of the size, but it must be OK as I can't think of anytime it was a problem. Frank.
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