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4x6 soft brakes
Does anyone know how to fix soft or slow braking other than new brake discs. Does anyone make aftermarket brake kits other than John Deere?
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4x6 soft brakes
I don't know diddly about the gator, but generally worn discs will not cause soft or slow braking. Generally that would be caused by glazed discs and pads or calipers that are not closing properly.
Please forgive me if you already know this stuff, but I'll throw out some random thoughts.
You can knock the glaze off of discs yourself with a wire brush in a drill. If the pedal pulsates you'll want the discs turned, and if they are turned they could get too thin (below spec) and need replacement.
The first thing I'd do is deglaze the discs and clean and lightly lube the caliper slides with very high temperature brake grease to make sure they operate freely. If the pads are worn install some new ones. If the JD price is too steep you could see if there's a local friction supply shop that could install new lining on your pad backing (doubtful, but it never hurts to ask if the budget is tight).
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4x6 soft brakes
I bet you have the wrong stuff in the transaxle. You need a fluid that conforms to J20C specs and probably HyGuard from Deere. If you have any other fluid in there i.e. gear oil, motor oil etc. you will have problems. If you have gear oil in it you need to flush it out and get it off the braking surfaces before installing new oil. Even if you think you have the right oil in it, changing it is a good first step.
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4x6 soft brakes
, told you I knew nothing about gators.
Those have wet brakes?
Never mind...
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