Gas Tank cleaning
i have a 1996 Gator 6x4 gas.
think i have stale fuel in my gas tank. quite possibly some water in there, too.
need some advise on how to remove old existing gas from the tank and to clean and dry it out before adding fresh fuel. is it possible to do this without completely removing the tank?
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Gas Tank cleaning
Assuming you can't easily undo the tank drain, a handy little tool is a suction gun. It's like a huge hypodermic needle, and can be used to squirt fluids into places or draw them out. Costs maybe ten bucks. You might want to get a few inches of hose to put over the end. Use it to pull out what you can, add a little gas, repeat.
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Gas Tank cleaning
Can't you disconnect the fuel supply going to the carb and drain it that way? And be prepaered to drain and possibly take apart the carb to get sediment--and worse--out of the float (if eqipped) and needle (if equipped).
We use a product called "Dry Gas" (a form of alcohol I think) in gasoline which causes the water to form into small droplets and combine with the gas. I'd dump some in before you drain the tank to capture and remove as much water as possible.
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Gas Tank cleaning
the gator fuel tank is below the carb so it uses a fuel pump. the dry gas sounds like a good idea. the gator was out of commission for a few months. i fear that condensation had built up in the tank and that the fuel has gone flat. i'll look at the tank closer tomorrow. maybe it wont be as difficult to remove as i first thought. otherwise i'll go with auerbach's plan and draw out the old fuel.
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Gas Tank cleaning
If the fuel in the tank is bad then so is the fuel in the carb. It may have turned into a crystallized, carmelized mess and it wouldn't be surprising if it needed to be taken apart and cleaned out.
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Gas Tank cleaning
i did take the carb out and cleaned it. was in better shape than i thought. also replaced the fuel filter and it still ran rough. so i drained out the carb bowl and fuel pump and disconnect the gas line at the fuel filter. then i got a clean glass jar, filled it with fresh gas and stuck the gas line into the jar which was now my new gas tank. the gator started up and seem to run fine for several minutes til it almost emptied the jar. i have to think that the old gas is kaput. that's is far as my overworked, underpaid brain cell will take me, anyway.
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Gas Tank cleaning
No idea the model gator we have but about 5 years old. IF it is allowed to sit for about 4 months during the winter with fuel in tank and no treatment...oh do I pay for it next spring. Found out best way to prevent it for me was...we take grandchildren on rides during the winter now..a real win win deal as no stale gas and both grandchildren and grandparents are happy.
I did not have to drain mine, added fresh gas and got in open field and drove with one hand on choke and kept adding fresh gas often. Think I used some gas treatment but no idea what it was. Only took two winters to find out what the problem was. 
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