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XUV stuck in 4x4
Have a new Gator 820d XUV that is stuck in four wheel drive. Is there a way to manually override the system to disengage? When using the rocker switch to select 4x4, should there be a servo sound or other indication that the selector is working? Appreciate any help. Thanks.
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XUV stuck in 4x4
The HPX Gator I had was a manual shift type four wheel drive engagment, so it was a positive in or out situation. I have a 620i 4 X 4 with the rocker switch. I'm not 100% on this but I think the XUV's are an on demand type four wheel drive where the machine decides whether or not four wheel drive is needed when you have the rocker switch pushed to the 4X4 position. That may be your lack of hearing any servo type click when you push the switch, I've really never listened to see if there was a sound. Frank.
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XUV stuck in 4x4
Thanks for the information regarding the on-demand 4x4 system on the XUV. What I found out today (at appears to be known as a problem) is that when you are in 4x4 mode in high gear, the right front half-shaft can come out of its housing and starts to create a knocking sound. Put the Gator on a lift and reseated the shaft, and things were much better. Need to find out from JD why this happens. Really appreciate the response. Thanks.
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XUV stuck in 4x4
i have a 620i...never had it stick in 4 wheel....but to make sure it does unlock i always backup a few feet...and i never engage or disengage 4x4 on the fly...
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XUV stuck in 4x4
From looking into this further and feedback from others, it appears that HPX/XUVs suffer from a right front shaft popping out if you drive in high gear, in 4x4. I jacked my Gator up, turned the front right wheel and heard what sounded like a loose cv joint flopping around in the front gearbox. Turned the wheel backwards, and gently lowered the front end, and the shaft appeared to mesh back again. Some of the post I have seen, suggest only engaging 4x4 in low gear. I've been doing this, and have not had any more 4x4 issues. Thanks again for you post.
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