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6x4 diesel injector tuning
Is there a safe and easy way to squeeze a little more power out of the injector pump? How do you adust this?
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6x4 diesel injector tuning
I could be wrong, but the squeezing should be with larger injectors--if even possible--since the pump is fixed.
But like anything mechanical, if you start messing with it to make more power, go faster or anything like that it's not designed for...you're begging for trouble.
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6x4 diesel injector tuning
have a 08 xuv 850 d there must be someway to turn up the injector pump have around 24 hp a little more would be nice to turn the 27-12-12
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6x4 diesel injector tuning
You guys are talking about a governor adjustment, not a pump adjustment. But there's a reason that governors have that wire seal. If/when a dealer notices that seal's been tampered with, what's left of your warranty goes out with the trash. It's just like the electric meter on your house; only qualified/authorized electricians have replacement seals. On most governors, only qualified/authorized mechanics have replacement seals.
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6x4 diesel injector tuning
well i have a diesel there is no warranty because i bent 2 connecting rods with 8 hours after i bout it. i am unsure about the governors i dont think they have them on diesel if so they must be in the pump houseing. and yes if there is governors you may need to be qualified but i am not runing a 18 wheeler here!
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