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Gator Clutch
Have a 6x4 gator that just seems to dog it going up hill. Unknown age, I'd guess 12+ years. Primary Clutch is new as well as belts. Should I replace the secondary clutch or possibly a problem with drive chains, as it almost seems to have a rattle/know(not engine) when going up hills. Goes like hell down hill!! Also, any tips on removing secondary clutch?? Thanks in advance!
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Gator Clutch
That should read: "seems to have a rattle/knock(not engine) when going uphill"
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Gator Clutch
M9ine is a HPX and does not have chains but does have a new belt on it and today I woas loading it on my trailer to transport and it would stop pulling. I had my rear wheels on the trailer and my front wheels on the loading ramps and had stopped and tried to start again when this happened. I had to pull back off the trailer and get moving in reverse with enough steam to load in one steady run. Shouldn't I have more power than this ?
Makes me think if it were to ever see any mud it would not have power enough to move.
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Gator Clutch
Sounds like you may be down a cylinder. Check the rear plug and see if it is firing. See if both exhaust pipes are the same temp when running. I'll bet one is cool. Don't burn yourself!
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Gator Clutch
So, I see your response,go home,raise the bed and guess what? There is the spark plug wire laying there! Reconnect and it's fine! Relly appreciate your help! So, since I already replaced the primary clutch and have a brand new secondary sitting here, any tricks for installing the secondary? I'm in no rush now,but may as well do it(new 18mph clutch). Any hints appreciated and thanks again for your spot on response for my initial question!!
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Gator Clutch
Secondaries are easy. If you have a 12 year old Gator you may have a left hand thread bolt holding it on. If it takes a 13mm wrench it is left handed ( top to the right to loosen ) if it takes a 14mm or larger wrench it is a regular thread. It's just a matter of unscrewing the bolt and pulling the old clutch off.
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